you are the love of my life

Chapter 151 Clean Up

Chapter 151 Clean Up

"What's wrong with making them wait for two hours after taking so many kickbacks? Find a few women to accompany them and make them wait!"

Rong Jinbei replied domineeringly.


Ling Tuo is embarrassed, he has never seen the young master lose his temper so much, it seems that Miss Qin has angered him a lot.

There was a terrible silence in the messy house for a while.

Ling Tuo's chest was churning with qi and blood, and his little heart was pounding.

He said cautiously, "Master, the car is downstairs. I'll find someone to come over and tidy up the house. Miss Qin's wound..."

"Speak up!" Before he finished speaking, Rong Jinbei interrupted him in a deep voice, his gaze shot over like cold arrows.

Qin Yise's heart also sank following his word "absolutely", and she suddenly raised her eyes to meet his gaze, those cold eyes almost froze to death.

"Well, there is a medicine box under the TV cabinet, so it should be fine for Ms. Qin to deal with it herself? The wound should not touch water, so don't do anything dangerous." Qin Yise understood the dangerous things he was referring to up.

"Ling Tuo, you talk a lot of nonsense today, did you eat chicken chin? Do you even want to betray me?"

Rong Jinbei scolded impatiently.

Ling Tuo's heart was shaken, he bent down modestly, and said respectfully: "Ling Tuo doesn't dare, I'll wait for you in the underground parking lot first!"

After he finished speaking, he walked out the door in despair.

The huge living room suddenly returned to dead silence.

Rong Jinbei picked up his suit and draped it in his arms, glanced at Qin Yise's injured palm, his cold eyes were bottomless, and he sneered and smiled:

"Miss Qin is really good at attracting bees and butterflies. Even my bodyguards don't forget to hook up. I just finished having sex with another man. Now, are you desperately trying to find more spare tires, so that I will be hungry in the future?" Time to solve the demand?"

"The clear will be clear, and the turbid will be turbid. Whatever Rong always thinks, I can't control your willpower."

"Very well, keep talking hard, and I will show you the consequences of lying."

After Rong Jinbei finished speaking, he stepped forward and slammed the door out angrily.

Qin Yise had a bad premonition subconsciously, he didn't look like he was going to socialize, but rather like he was going to kill someone.

Regardless of her injuries, she hurried forward to block his way: "Where are you going? I'll be with you!"

Rong Jinbei caught a glimpse of her covered in blood, and her clothes were wet and dry, wrinkled around her body like dried pickles, and said sharply, "Get out!"

"If you don't make it clear, I won't get out of the way. The senior is innocent. He was framed and used by people behind the scenes. Why don't you investigate thoroughly before convicting him?"

She questioned him, so confidently.

This woman was sure that he was going out to hurt her precious senior, so why did she ever think about how deeply her own behavior hurt him?

No, she didn't fall in love with him at all, so how could she explain, how could she care about his feelings!
After all, her heart is not with him at all.

"You want to be held accountable by one person? Well, I'll give you a chance, go upstairs and wash it up and wait for me to come back."

He suddenly sneered, behind that creepy chill, there was a ray of plunder and destruction.

"What do you mean?"

Qin Yise clutched at the hem of her clothes, countless thoughts flashed through her mind, how did he want to torture her?
Or continue to humiliate her in another way?

The man didn't say any more nonsense, and walked towards the elevator without looking back. The aluminum alloy door slowly closed, and his iceberg face disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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