Chapter 163
Rong Jinbei's eyes became colder, and he scolded angrily: "Enough! This matter ends here, don't ask for trouble."

His taboo, do not want to be mentioned again.

Qiao Man was stunned by the yelling, she lowered her head, her eyes flickered slightly, and took a deep breath to adjust her emotions.

It seems that Brother Jin Bei only found out what she was doing behind the scenes, and he was not sure whether Qin Yise had been defiled by a man.

Even if she sacrificed a little, she got the effect she wanted.

Worth it!

The man stepped out of the castle, and she followed behind.

Qin Yise looked at the two people walking away, weakly holding the expensive jewelry on her body, her eyes drooping, and her long eyelashes covered the strange emotions in her eyes.

Although I couldn't hear what they were discussing just now, it was none of her business.

When I got into the car, I was embarrassed, President Rong Da sat in the co-pilot's seat, and the two empty luxury cars behind were actually reserved for the two women to share.

Rong Jinbei doesn't like being annoyed by women, and even more hates hugging and embarrassing himself.

As soon as Qin Yise's white high-heeled shoes stepped on the car, the diamond necklace around her neck was exposed. The perfect curve was very eye-catching in the air.

On her slender ring finger was a diamond ring the size of a dove egg, and a simple waist-tight dress, which was gorgeous and understated, wrapping her graceful and enchanting figure in it.

If Xu Kexin is present, she must be dressed up more sexy, my mother always hopes that she can sell for a good price!

The white and tender skin and the bright diamonds hurt Qiao Man's eyes. She pressed her fingers hard, and her eyes glanced at the necklace on Qin Yise's neck, full of jealousy.

The car slowly arrived at Qiao's villa, and the banquet had already begun.

Many celebrities and luxury cars occupy the parking lot. The musical fountain inside reflects the golden light of water, and there are lions standing on both sides, which is a symbol of Fengshui.

Qiao Man got out of the car and took the initiative to hold the man's hand, like a baby bump, for fear of being snatched away.

"Brother Jin Bei, with so many people watching, you have to save me some face. If you don't go in with Miss Qiao's hand, are you going to hold a secretary?"

She smiled sweetly, and it was not difficult to hear the irony in her tone in the second half of the sentence.

Rong Jinbei glanced at her indifferently, and was about to refuse, but stopped, which was regarded as acquiescing.

As soon as their figures stepped into the hall, they immediately attracted everyone's attention. Everyone paused their movements, held up their red wine glasses, and quietly watched the men and women approaching the door.

It was rumored that President Rong had mysteriously disappeared for three years, and as soon as he returned to China, he took the entire group back in the shortest possible time.

He has a dignified and elegant figure, with a beautiful woman on his arm.

If he becomes the son-in-law of the Qiao family, he must have a bright future!

Everyone knows the purpose of this banquet.

Qin Yise followed Rong Jinbei at a distance. Her slender body was supported by slender high-heeled shoes. Her appearance was not outstanding, and her makeup was ordinary. But as soon as she walked in, everyone's eyes just fixed on her neck. on the necklace.

The diamond necklace is inlaid with a huge sapphire, which is a bit of the style of the British royal family.

But everyone didn't know the origin of this necklace, but was overwhelmed by the temperament and light of its owner.

Such a comparison, Miss Qiao standing beside Rong Jinbei also suddenly lost color.

Qiao Man sensed the change in the eyes of the people present, and gritted her teeth, almost biting the tip of her tongue. How could the dignified Miss Qiao family be crushed by a bitch?

(End of this chapter)

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