Chapter 165
Qin Yise refused mercilessly: "Thank you, Ms. Qiao, for your kindness. You are the protagonist tonight. How can you be absent in order to accompany me to the latrine? I will just ask a servant to lead the way. I trust Guifu's bodyguard system." , isn’t it just for decoration?”

The two came and went back and forth, sarcastic with each other.

Rong Jinbei frowned slightly, looking at Qin Yise's leaving figure, feeling a little uneasy.

At this time, Mr. Qiao had already walked to the middle of the dance floor, his eyes still deep under his white hair.

With the microphone in his hand, he said with a hearty smile: "Guests, thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to come to my precious granddaughter's reception banquet. The drinks and desserts are all ready. The rest of the time belongs to everyone. Do you know if Jin Bei is interested in doing the first dance with Man Man?"

"Grandpa Qiao's kindness is hard to turn down, of course I am bound to do it!"

Rong Jinbei withdrew his thoughts, nodded with a gentlemanly smile, and then led Qiao Man onto the dance floor. The black suit and red evening dress were a perfect match.

The melodious accompaniment of the violin, handsome men and beautiful women, intertwined figures, is simply a visual feast.


After washing her hands, Qin Yise stood in front of the mirror and simply put on her make-up. She lowered her head and opened the door and walked out. She didn't see the road ahead, and there happened to be a drunk man going to the bathroom. The two of them were caught off guard. bumped into each other.

She was about to apologize, but the man above her head looked like he had found a prey, his eyes lit up: "Miss, you are so beautiful!"

After finishing speaking, he hugged Qin Yise's waist unceremoniously, and forcibly dropped his drunken mouth.

Qin Yise dodged desperately and pushed him hard: "Sir, you're drunk, I'll call a servant for you."

"I don't want anyone now, but you!" The man was bold, staring at her greedily with fiery eyes.

Qin Yise was so frightened that her face turned pale, and she staggered back to dodge, but she frowned, turned around and saw that she was at a dead end, and there was no way to retreat.

If he entered the bathroom and was locked in by this drunk, it would definitely be a disaster.

The more she struggled, the more excited the man became. His wine-smelling lips fell on her neck, but the intimacy was blocked by the obtrusive necklace.

"It's the first time I've seen such a big sapphire. It must be a high-quality imitation. Beauty, just follow me. My master buys diamonds for you every day. Why wear a dog leash to pretend to be real?"

As he spoke, he reached out to tear off the necklace on Qin Yise's neck.

Qin Yise raised her hand and shook off his touch, it seemed that this slap made the man sober up from his drunkenness.

She explained without any emotion: "Your eyes have too much astigmatism, this is the real thing!"

And she is only acting as a model temporarily.

The man stared wide-eyed, and smiled mischievously: "You woman, you really don't write a draft when you tell a lie, do you want to fool me? Although I drink too much, I am not an idiot. The high imitation on the market The goods come out endlessly, although your necklace is very realistic, but it is not something that anyone can afford to wear, why don't you follow me and make sure you wear gold and silver, and sit and be a young lady, how about it?"

He leaned crookedly against the wall, crossed his legs, and stood lazily, with a hooligan aura.

But the status of the men who came and went to the Qiao's banquet was either rich or noble, Qin Yise suppressed the anger on her face, sniffed and smiled, "Sir, think about it clearly, my goal is not just to be a young mistress! "

(End of this chapter)

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