Chapter 170
The door of the bathroom was opened, and the man inside heard the movement, his body suddenly froze, and his face was a little unhappy: "Annoying or not, who dares to spoil the good things of the master?"

Gu Xiaosheng came up drunk, his movements were a little clumsy, and he didn't even have good eyesight.

He even grunted impatiently, and cursed at Qin Yise: "What are you doing, you stinky bitch, why don't you help me quickly? Otherwise, let's see how I will kill you later!"

Rong Jinbei stood at the door and watched for a few seconds, his face was so gloomy that water dripped out.

He raised his leg slowly, stepped in, grabbed the man's shoulder, and said through gritted teeth: "Young Master Gu, it's inappropriate to hug my secretary like this?"

With a bone-chilling voice, the moment he opened his mouth, the surroundings instantly froze for three feet!

This question without anger and prestige is undoubtedly like a dagger, hitting people's heart directly.

Qin Yise's heart trembled, and her originally desperate mood gradually calmed down because of his arrival.

Was he worried about this priceless jewelry, or did he come to see it because he was worried about her?

Regardless of whether it was because of the former or the latter, she was glad that Rong Jinbei appeared in time to save her.

Rong Jinbei looked at their embracing posture, and unconsciously clenched the other fist hanging by his side. His whole body was icy cold, like a hell Shura, solemn and solemn, and his eyes were full of killing intent.

God knows how much effort it took him not to throw this scum out of the window.

Gu Xiaosheng was stunned for a few seconds, the big shovel-like palm on his shoulder, without saying a word, immediately hit him like a whirlwind, and threw his whole body over his shoulder to the ground——

Immediately, Rong Jinbei raised his foot fiercely and stepped on the man's chest, and the violent wind and rain surrounded him in an instant.

Before Gu Xiaosheng saw who the black figure was, a mouthful of blood spurted out of his mouth.

Immediately, I felt that my viscera were about to burst, and my alcoholism was more than half sober in an instant!
He had no room to fight back at all, and his whole body was already struggling uselessly like a dead fish.


Gu Xiaosheng, who was 1.8 meters tall, was kicked away like a pile of ooze, and immediately hit the toilet beside him, and collapsed limply on the ground.

His forehead was bruised from the collision, and blood was even overflowing from the corner of his mouth. It was unknown whether it was an external injury or an internal injury.

Rong Jinbei's fist smashed the tiger's internal organs in the devil's training camp. Gu Xiaosheng's body is fragile and he has only practiced simple taekwondo. How could he bear this punch?
Qin Yise was leaning against the wall, her strength had already been exhausted, as the weight on her body lost weight, her feet went limp, and she also slid down!
The soft and boneless body leaned down along the wall, and was suddenly grabbed by a pair of big hands at the waist.
The familiar breath pervasively made her feel at ease.

Qin Yise raised her eyes, and before she could see the man's face clearly, she was already wrapped into a generous embrace by a unique protective posture.

Her resurgent heart suddenly beat violently.

Qin Yise glanced gratefully at the man who had saved her time and time again, but Rong Jinbei's eyes full of anger seemed to have the possibility of strangling her to death at any time, and she was so frightened that she dared not look at him again.

She lowered her head with guilt, and couldn't help but smile wryly, what he did was just out of possessive desire.

She is his personal belonging now, how can she be allowed to be missed and bullied by others?

(End of this chapter)

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