you are the love of my life

Chapter 175 Want to make me angry?

Chapter 175 Want to make me angry?

He humiliated her loudly, causing Qin Yise to close her eyes in embarrassment, and hot tears fell down as the eyelids closed.

The spark-like liquid instantly stung the back of the man's hand.

Qin Yise frowned, bit her lips lightly and asked, "Do you want me to prove it to you before you are satisfied?"

"What proof do you have? How long do you want to act!"

Rong Jinbei let out a low growl, his scarlet eyes fixed on her pear-blossoming facial features, filtering the scene when he didn't come over again and again in his mind.

After brainstorming, the veins on his forehead suddenly popped out.

Qin Yise's neck was so painful that he was about to break it at any moment, she stood there quietly with her head raised, she simply didn't struggle, and looked at him steadfastly.

Waiting until the man in front of him calmed down and gradually returned to his senses, he locked her eyes angrily, but the sullenness still did not disappear.

Ask yourself, is he not good enough for her?

She is still behind his back, flirting and flirting. If this goes on, will she ride on his head sooner or later and act like a domineering?

Qin Yise's neck was bruised and purple, and the place where Rong Jinbei's big palm like iron pincers pinched it was hot and painful.

He gritted his teeth, and his bones creaked, as if he wanted to settle the old and new grievances with her once and for all!

"Heh, don't you want to use this body to prove it? You have just been touched by another man, and you want to perfuse me? Qin Yise, you think I'm so easy to deceive, have you forgotten yourself? My identity, treat you better, and you will unscrupulously test my bottom line?!"

Rong Jinbei's jaw was tense, the usual warmth disappeared, and the lines of his face were only cold and hard.

With his sharp eyes, he refused to let go of any subtle expression changes on her face, but Qin Yise never showed any sign of knowing her mistake from the beginning to the end.

Facing his anger and questioning, she just opened his big hand locked on her throat with one finger and one finger, and blurted out a mocking way: "Besides this worthless body, what else do you see in me, Mr. Rong? Ability?" ? I should be the worst one in Rong's, could it be that you like me?"

Hearing that sentence, Rong Jinbei said, "Could it be that you like me?" His eyebrows instantly twisted into Sichuan characters, and he snorted coldly: "You deserve it too?"

He spat out the three words ruthless from his thin lips, and his whole body exuded a cold breath.

Qin Yise concealed the pain in her heart. She was grateful just now, but the throbbing in her stomach became so ridiculous at this moment!

Ah!She was indeed unworthy of his tender care.

In his eyes, she herself was a lowly trade item.

What kind of woman does he want?
Just waving and waving is enough to circle the earth half a circle, so why should she lick her face to make up the number!
Qin Yise smiled sarcastically: "Since we have the same ideas, why don't we break up the relationship and never owe each other... Oh, no, I'm wrong, I still owe you, and I will work hard to use this body to earn money." More money, and pay off what is owed to you as soon as possible."

Rong Jinbei's dark eyes glanced at her smiling face, the tears on her face were not completely dried, but her eyes were full of stubbornness, she wanted to cry but tried her best to bear it.

He pulled his lips and hummed coldly: "Dream! You don't even want to escape from me in this life, unless I get tired of playing and don't want to, otherwise your end will be death!"

Qin Yise widened her eyes, and looked at him with misty eyes in astonishment: "You madman! Just kill me."

(End of this chapter)

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