you are the love of my life

Chapter 177 Don't Touch Me Before You Take a Bath

Chapter 177 Don't Touch Me Before You Take a Bath

Could it be that the commotion just now was because he killed someone to silence him?

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Gu Xiaosheng is the young cousin of the Jin family, and he can be considered a respectable person anyway.

He actually clicked him?

With so many high-ranking officials and dignitaries present, anyone who wants to bring down the Rong family can be given a life sentence with any excuse. Is Rong Jinbei crazy?
Doesn't he know that there is a price to pay for killing people!
Qin Yise didn't know if it was a convulsion in her head or what was going on, she was only concerned about whether he would get into any trouble because of herself.

When the man behind her walked over step by step, she grabbed his arm and asked nervously, "Did you really kill him? It's illegal to do so, and you will be sentenced, do you know that?"

"Caring about me?" Rong Jinbei glanced coldly at the slender fingers on her arm, and asked with burning eyes: "If I go to jail, shouldn't you be happy!"

His tone was full of sarcasm, Qin Yise was speechless for a moment, and slowly let go of her fingers, how could she be worried about him.

The law is completely a display in front of these real giants.

Rong Jinbei looked at her small face, and the cold smile on the corner of his mouth made Qin Yise tremble with fear.

He brushed her hand away, and the domineering back walked away mercilessly. The bodyguard opened the rear door, and Rong Jinbei stepped up with his long legs.

Qin Yise had no choice but to follow her into the car before anyone noticed her.

If it is known that she is the culprit in the bathroom, the Qiao family will definitely do everything possible to make her a scapegoat and spend the rest of her life in prison...

She took a deep breath, not daring to think about it.

Rong Jinbei was sitting side by side with her. The space in the car was wide enough for the two to sit at opposite ends, but their bodies did not touch at all.

But the fragrance from his body was the same as the bath essence she used, and the atmosphere in the carriage was oppressive. Once mixed with this fragrance, a sense of ambiguity lingered in the air.

On the way back, the street became empty, the car was speeding fast, Qin Yise was clutching the door tightly, when she turned a sharp corner, she was thrown and hit the man beside her.

Rong Jinbei frowned displeasedly, and his tone was extremely harsh: "I haven't arrived home yet, what's the rush, you can't wait?"

"Stop being narcissistic, I accidentally bumped into you just now!" Qin Yise blushed and explained with a thick neck.

The man looked stern, and pushed her away unceremoniously: "Before you take a shower, stay away from me."

He actually detested her!

Qin Yise forcibly held back the grievance in her eyes, sat back in her seat, and replied blankly: "Since the smell on my body makes Mr. Rong so uncomfortable, then stop the car and I can walk by myself."

While she was talking, she patted the back of the driver's seat, the driver only obeyed Rong Jinbei's orders, the young master didn't say anything, how could he propose to stop without permission!
"I think you haven't suffered enough. Dressed like this, do you want to meet a few more hooligans in the middle of the night and have an affair?" Rong Jinbei reminded her coldly.


Qin Yise looked out the window, speechless, turned her face to face him with the back of her head, tried to stabilize her body balance, and prevented herself from touching him again.

The fragrance of the woman's body reaches the nose, and after sniffing carefully, the familiar smell is the same as before.

Rong Jinbei frowned, but the ups and downs of his heartbeat involuntarily slowed down!

He just hates other men getting involved in her, but this woman's ability to attract people is eye-opening.

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(End of this chapter)

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