you are the love of my life

Chapter 183 Will Torment Her

Chapter 183 Will Torment Her

It's better to be fatter, and look rounder, at least, it won't feel so handy when hugged in your arms...

How did Qin Yise know what this man was thinking, but he felt that his eyes were full of malicious intentions, staring at her with hairs all over her body, making her feel extremely uncomfortable!

"What bad idea are you planning?" she asked nervously.

"What do you say!" The man answered irrelevantly.

"Crazy, you like this place, I'll give it to you."

Qin Yise gritted her teeth and said, stood up and wanted to leave.

He simply went too far, he couldn't bear it, and he didn't need to bear it anymore.

Just lock the cage, it's better than being treated like a pet by him.

"Stop!" Rong Jinbei sternly reprimanded.

Qin Yise clenched her hands into fists, her head buzzed, as if something had exploded.

Son of a bitch!
Isn't he a clean freak?
Why don't you even care about the bottom line now!
She froze.

Rong Jinbei deliberately wanted to embarrass her and embarrass her!

Qin Yise gritted her teeth and made up her mind: "Get out!"

"Can you say that again?"

Qin Yise is tragic, she really wants to die!
She puffed her cheeks and said angrily: "Say it again, just say it again, what can you do? Go away, I'm going to sleep."

Rong Jinbei seemed amused by her words, he didn't expect her to be so bold.

He just wanted to carry her out, the floor was wet, afraid that this stupid woman would fall, lest she break a few bones and have to serve her.

Time seemed to stand still, and there was only the sound of water ticking in my ears.



Little train woo woo woo...

"You want to stare at me, when will you go, aren't you tired?"

"Otherwise, what do you want to do?" Qin Yise asked pretending to be stupid.

"What do you say?"

They played charades, going back and forth.

"I don't dare, the investigation has been strict recently." Qin Yise said honestly.

"With me here, what are you afraid of?"

A certain man said arrogantly, quite a bit like I want you to hug your thigh and be a backer.

Qin Yise still had lingering fears in her heart, "I don't want to sit in a trap and spend the rest of my life with my father..."

Letting her go to prison to provide for Qin Zhentian's elderly care would be worse than killing her, and it would be a joke to spread the word.

Although her worry was a bit superfluous, with President Rongda around, as long as she didn't anger him, how could she go to jail and stay in a dark cell?

"With me covering you, who dares to move?" Rong Jin Beiyun said lightly.

"Can you cover me forever?"

"After living with me for the rest of my life, don't you know?"

The sudden rhetorical question made Qin Yise stunned.

How should she answer, say okay, wouldn't that be a trap.

If you say it is not good, you should be taught a lesson again.

Alas, what a dilemma.

She rolled her beautiful eyes, pretended she didn't hear anything, and planned to get away with it, but unfortunately, this man didn't let her wish at all.

"What, are you dumb? Or are you pretending to be stupid, don't want to answer my question, and plan to escape?"

"I heard whoever said it, but I don't think it's necessary to answer this kind of impossible thing, right?"

"Don't be sloppy with me, I want to listen to your heart." Rong Jinbei ordered domineeringly.

Qin Yise refused to answer this question.


Rong Jinbei narrowed his eyes dangerously, "Why, don't you think you're tired of going back on your word again?"

Just now I made a vow, but now I go back on it. A woman will never say what she means.

(End of this chapter)

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