you are the love of my life

Chapter 190 Deliberately let her sleep here

Chapter 190 Deliberately let her sleep here
"This is no problem! But don't make it difficult for me."

"Definitely not."

The housekeeper took out the key, unlocked it for her, and looked at her with some compassion, "Miss Qin, here is heavily guarded, and the information monitoring system has 360 degrees without dead ends. Don't talk about making a call, even if you really succeed in calling the police, you can't wait." No one dares to control!"

"I don't believe that there is no kingly law in this society." Qin Yise clenched her fists, her tone sad and indignant.

"The young master is Wang Fa." The housekeeper smiled helplessly, with an inscrutable look on his face.

The word Rong family symbolizes privilege, power and status.

Qin Yise got out of the cage, let out a big breath, and stretched her muscles and bones. She really wanted to die, why would she believe that man's nonsense.

I fell into his trap for nothing, but was tricked a lot, how stupid!
She sat on the floor discouraged. Anyway, it was useless to do anything now, she could only be imprisoned here, and suddenly there was a kind of desolation that had nothing to love.

"Miss Qin, get up quickly. It's cold on the ground. You've been wronged all night. Eat something to warm your stomach." The housekeeper said, and brought a bowl of fragrant lotus seed soup from the dining car and put it in front of her.

"Thank you, I really have no appetite. Now that Rong Jinbei is not here, can you let me go?" Qin Yise raised her head and murmured, looking at the butler with her last hope.

As long as she can leave and be free, even if she is like a beggar, it will be better than the current situation.

The butler just sighed, shook his head, held the bowl and did not speak.

Qin Yise understands that her thoughts are too naive, if she waits for that man to come back from abroad and tortures her slowly, it will be an endless hell, don't!

She absolutely does not want to live such a life.

"Housekeeper, where did you die? Is the breakfast for people? It's so bad. Believe it or not, I'll call Brother Jin Bei and ask him to fire you!"

Qiao Man's voice came from outside the door, and she walked directly towards Rong Jinbei's room. As soon as she arrived at the door, she saw Qin Yise in the master bedroom, her face almost twisted and deformed: "Qin Yise, You bitch, you are seducing men again, to be honest, what kind of dirty tricks did you use last night to stay in brother Jin Bei's room? Are you still shameless?"

Qin Yise lazily raised her eyes and glanced at her. She was too lazy to argue, but said coldly, "Miss Qiao, please save yourself, not everyone is as lowly as you think, your man, I'm the one who climbs up." Sorry!"

"It's best to have self-knowledge. Even if he climbs into brother Jin Bei's bed, he won't want you to want a piece of shit like you."

Qiao Man walked into the bedroom step by step, looked down at her, and her words and deeds were full of provocation.

Qin Yise curled her lips ironically, she was not angry at all, she just thought it was funny, and couldn't help asking: "I'm a junkie, so what are you?"


Being ridiculed by Chi Guoguo's counterattack, Qiao Man's face suddenly became ugly.

She casually knocked over the bowl in the housekeeper's hand, and the soup in it spilled everywhere.

Qiao Man raised her foot, intending to teach Qin Yise a lesson, but she glanced at the cage next to her, and seemed to understand something.

She immediately suppressed her anger, and sneered sarcastically: "Oh, so you don't even have the qualifications to climb into brother Jin Bei's bed, you can only sleep in a cage, Qin Yise, you know what you look like now A lowly bitch... Hehe, ready to be fucked at any time, I chatted with brother Jin Bei too late last night, I was a little tired, he specially let me sleep here, so I don't have to run back and forth hard, He didn't tell you any of this, did he?"

(End of this chapter)

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