Chapter 194
Qin Yise looked down at her phone while walking out, when Xu Kexin's call happened to come in.

She had a premonition that because of what happened yesterday, the Jin family was in trouble for the Qin family——


"Qin Yise, your wings are hardened, do you want to rebel?"

As soon as it was connected, there was a roar of displeasure, which made her eardrums hurt.

She curled her lips coldly, and replied contemptuously: "Little Mom, why are you so angry, be careful and you will grow old."

Xu Kexin gritted her teeth, "Damn girl, you'd better come back and explain to me why Gu Shao had a warm relationship with you last night, but was interrupted by someone!"

Qin Yise walked to the bus stop, looked at the passing vehicles, crossed her chest with one hand, and tapped her fingers naturally. Every time she heard Xu Kexin's shrill voice, she felt sick.

"Little Mom, don't you know how to think about it, he didn't offend me, but Rong Jinbei." Qin Yise raised her final voice slightly, and the corners of her mouth curled up in a sarcasm.

Confused, Xu Kexin couldn't figure out what the relationship between Rong Jinbei and Qin Yise was, should they support her?
It doesn't look like much.

His debt to Qin's was still getting tighter, Xu Kexin almost gritted his teeth and said: "I don't care about that much, you have half an hour to get out of here immediately, otherwise..."

"Otherwise what?" Qin Yise asked.

Xu Kexin snorted coldly, and smiled sinisterly: "I have a lot of things against your father. If you don't want him to be sentenced to life imprisonment, you'd better do my duty and do as I say!"

Qin Yise stared blankly, hearing Xu Kexin's triumphant voice, felt like a thorn stuck in her heart, feeling uncomfortable.

It turns out that the reason why she has flaunted her power for so many years is because she has her father's handle in her hands. No wonder Qin Zhentian has turned a blind eye to her for so many years, and indulged her too much.

Living with Qin Yise for so many years, even if she is not her own, she has been watched grow up. If Xu Kexin doesn't understand her psychological thoughts, it will be a failure.

When Xu Kexin heard that there was no sound from the phone for a long time, she laughed more and more wildly: "Qin Yise, you should weigh it yourself. Once there is evidence of your father's bribery, there are scandals such as overseas stolen money, fake company accounts, and tax evasion. If it is exposed, tell me, what kind of consequences will the Qin surviving face face?"

"I'm afraid your father will die of anger. After all, Qin's is his life's effort. Now the stock price has fallen for half a month. If it weren't for the support of me and a few shareholders, it would have gone bankrupt long ago!"

After Xu Kexin finished speaking, she waited patiently for Qin Yise's reaction.

It's just that she didn't expect that the stinky girl who didn't even grow her hair could be so calm, so calm that it made people speechless.

Qin Yise has never had a showdown with Xu Kexin directly, because she is afraid that if it affects her whole body.

She had thought about it countless times to tear herself apart with this woman, but she didn't dare to bet, let alone lose.

She was still hesitating, but the other party spoke again impatiently: "5 minutes have been wasted, I don't have time to chat with you, if after 10 minutes, I don't see you, I have to use the most unwise It is time to appease the anger of the Jin family."

"What do you want to do?!"

Qin Yise's small hands were clenched into fists, and her face was blue with anger, but she couldn't do anything, she could only endure it desperately.

(End of this chapter)

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