Chapter 216 Two people's world
Thick and curly eyelashes like a fan cast a silhouette on the face, her small face was pressed against his heart, with the sound of strong beating, she pressed on it, still sleeping soundly.

"You never know how worried I was the moment I heard what happened to you."

Rong Jinbei was talking to himself, Qin Yise's eyes opened for a moment, and then slowly closed again.

Such an affectionate confession, I don't know if this person has heard it or not?
He shook her a few times annoyed, "You heartless little thing, how dare you pretend to be asleep? Wake me up!"

Qin Yise opened her eyes sleepily, but when he yelled at her, she lost her drowsiness.

Rong Jinbei made a gesture and wanted to throw her on the ground. Qin Yise was so frightened that he clung to his collar and asked hesitantly, "Where is this? If you don't go home, are you waiting for those people to come and chase her?" Kill us?"

Rong Jinbei put her down, pursed his thin lips into a straight line, and said coldly: "Back, of course! But not now."

The entire company, including the entire Rong family, must have fallen out, and they are looking for him all over the world. When they go back at this time, they can't sleep peacefully.

"Then call Ling Tuo quickly and ask him to pick us up!" Qin Yise felt a little apprehensive, he wouldn't want to spend the night here.

Sure enough, as soon as the idea was formed, Rong Jinbei verified her guess, "It's quiet and no one disturbs you here, it's just suitable for us to live in a world of two!"

"Ah... the world of two?"

Qin Yise was stunned, laughed dryly, rubbed her eyes and carefully looked at the farm not far away, and asked nervously, "Well, Mr. Rong, do you really think about it and go to a hotel? Poor, and very unsafe, there must be a lot of snakes, ants and rats, if someone from Jin Shao finds out that we are here, there is no way to guarantee our lives!"

"With me here, what are you afraid of!" Rong Jinbei replied coldly.

Afterwards, only Qin Yise was left in the wind, and the other party had already started to walk towards the farm in stride.

Qin Yise looked at his back, and her heart jumped.

She hurriedly followed, she was penniless and refused to accept her fate, what else could she do!

Unexpectedly, the person in front stopped suddenly, she didn't pay attention, her body leaned forward inertially, and she just bumped into her arms.

Qin Yise's painful nose was about to collapse, her eyes were filled with tears, she raised her head, clenched her fists and asked, "Why did you stop all of a sudden?"

"There's a canteen over there." Rong Jinbei raised his chin and looked across the road.

Following his line of sight, Qin Yise frowned suspiciously when she saw a convenience store that had been remodeled from newspapers, "Are you hungry too? What do you want to eat? Bring the money, and I'll buy it for you."

President Rong Da snorted, and looked at her as if watching a joke, "Joke, would I eat food from that kind of place?"

"Yes, yes, I forgot that you are a noble gentleman, with a body of gold, how can the five grains and coarse grains catch Mr. Rong's eyes!" Qin Yise sarcastically said.

Rong Jinbei ignored her sarcasm, threw a bank card back to her, and said coolly: "Go and buy two boxes of instant noodles, choose the most expensive one, you can choose the taste you want! I will treat you well tonight .”

Qin Yise was stunned for several seconds before she realized that her gratitude and guilt towards him just now disappeared in an instant because of these words.

"Treat me with instant noodles, you are so generous!"

(End of this chapter)

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