you are the love of my life

Chapter 222 Strange Sleeping Position

Chapter 222 Strange Sleeping Position

Having said that, it's not fair to him at all, but it's not beneficial at all!

She didn't believe it, he was out of his mind, and would fall in love with her bankrupt socialite with a mediocre background for no reason.

Qin Yise ran out of words and had no reason to refute, so she simply didn't speak, picked up the wine glass and took a big sip.

He had saved her life from the gate of hell, so what else could she not think about?

"Since Rong always has the spirit of dedication and likes to sacrifice himself for others, then I will just accompany you. Don't wait until you lose all your money and turn around to settle accounts with me!"

"Don't worry, I won't allow such a day. The woman I like won't be dismissed after just one sleep. If she wants to sleep, she will sleep for the rest of her life, until she dies."

Rong Jinbei gracefully shook the wine glass in his hand, and the bloody red liquid swayed vividly under the light.

This situation, this scene, this face, gave Qin Yise the illusion that they were a couple for the rest of their lives.

She tilted her head and looked at the man with infinite charm through the transparent crystal cup. If she could look at his face for the rest of her life and shorten her life by a few years, she would be willing.

The night was too long, and after drinking and eating, Rong Jinbei put down his wine glass and smiled gracefully, "It's getting late, go and rest."

She was tossed all day, experienced life and death, ups and downs, it was indeed exhausting!
But sleeping with wolves, how could she sleep peacefully?

The stars outside the window were shining brightly, and the Polaris was as bright as a diamond. The two had different thoughts and put down their chopsticks at the same time.

One wants to conquer, the other wants to escape.

Qin Yise went to the bathroom to brush her teeth and face, and then lay on the double bed. The man tidied her up, and then she also lay down on the bed.

There was a distance of half a meter between him and her, Rong Jinbei suddenly reached out with a long arm, and hugged Qin Yise tightly into his arms, and ran his fingers through her hair, saying lazily, "Sleep, go back early tomorrow morning, there are still many things to deal with, how can we do it if we don't replenish our energy?"

Qin Yise's whole body was tense, afraid that he would make a move again, so she answered bravely, "Okay."

Every time she exhaled, it was full of his clear breath.

This night, doomed to insomnia.

Feeling the tension in her body, Rong Jinbei kissed the top of her hair, with the aroma of shampoo, the corner of his mouth curled up: "Don't worry, I won't force you to do what you don't want."

The meaning in his words is very deep, does it also include the matter of going to bed with him?

But in the bathroom just now, his actions were completely opposite to what he said.

Qin Yise nestled in his arms, and her thoughts began to flood again.

Alas, this smelly man.

She didn't sleep well all night, either she was woken up by the heat, or she couldn't breathe from being hugged by him.

In a daze, she dreamed of the daytime scene again, the bullets flying, and the deafening gunshots, as well as the river of blood and the flames.

Various fragments intertwined and appeared in her dream, she opened her eyes in cold sweat, and the outside of the window began to turn white.

The day was dim, and Qin Yise was about to get up and take a bath again.

But Rong Jinbei tightly wrapped her in his arms, treating her like a pillow domineeringly, using both hands and feet, the tighter and tighter it was, making it impossible for her to move.

Qin Yise shook off his hand, and after a while, got up again, she broke off again, and he entangled again.

It went round and round, and after a few strokes, she was so tired that she was out of breath, and she simply pushed him hard.

"What's the fuss, you need to clean up, right?"

Being disturbed in his sleep, Rong Jinbei's eyes hadn't been opened yet, his brows were already furrowed, and Jun's face was stained with displeasure.

(End of this chapter)

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