you are the love of my life

Chapter 230 At a critical moment, fleeing

Chapter 230 At a critical moment, fleeing

He is so busy, how can he have time to pay attention to the mess in her house!

In the end, I had no choice but to give up: "Forget it, I will ask him in person when he comes back."

Hearing this, the maid smiled and nodded, "Well, if there is any conflict between the couple, it's better to ask them face to face. The young master is very special to you, and he will definitely not hide it."


Qin Yise was a little embarrassed by what the maid said, her face became hot, "Okay, even you make fun of me."

"Miss Qin, how dare I make fun of you, I'm telling the truth."

The maid honestly confessed that she had finally found this high-paying job, so how dare she offend the employer's woman so easily.

Unless she doesn't want to.

"Why don't I ask Ling Tuo later to see what the young master's schedule is for the evening, so you can dress up and accompany me to socialize or something?"

"Don't ask, I'm no longer his secretary."

Qin Yise snorted sullenly, how could she have the right to accompany him to social gatherings, she would be Amitabha if she didn't embarrass him and add trouble.

"Miss Qin, you have to have confidence in yourself. Don't always be a fan of the authorities. We are servants, but we can all see clearly. You are willing to work for the young master. He doesn't know how happy he is every day, and his mouth is crooked. "The maid argued hard and defended Rong Jinbei.

"I don't believe it. He keeps a straight face every time, as if someone owes him money. I mean...Although the Qin family owes him a lot of money, it's not from me. He is obsessed with it." What are you doing with me!"

Qin Yise didn't want to continue discussing this topic, left a sentence, stood up from the sofa, took a mango, and walked towards the room.

The maid shook her head and continued with her work.

Suddenly, the landline next to the sofa rang. She wiped her hands and picked up the receiver to answer——

"Hi, hello, who are you looking for?"

"I'm Lisa, President Rong's secretary. Please tell Qin Yise that the president has a party organized by the company in the evening, and ask her to come over at Dynasty Entertainment City."

Lisa knew Qin Yise a little bit, and most of the little girls like her couldn't hold sand in their hearts.

So to defeat the rival in love, only one simple trick is enough to win.

"This... If Miss Qin doesn't want to go, I can't make the decision." The maid said awkwardly.

"Then you tell her, this is the arrangement of Mr. Rong, and the company orders, she must go!" Lisa preemptively.


After hanging up the phone, the maid quickly conveyed the order to Qin Yise's ears.

Qin Yise was cleaning her clothes in the room, when she heard the news, her movements froze, she gritted her teeth hard, her lips were about to bleed.

"He really said that he wants me to go there?" She asked dubiously.

"No, it was a secretary who called to convey the message. I don't know if the young master has made such a request. How about I call Ling Tuo to confirm?"

The maid realized Qin Yise's change of mood and immediately offered advice.

Qin Yise threw the clothes in her hand on the bed, stood up with a smile instead of anger, "Don't ask, I'll go meet them, and see what tricks these people want to play!"

They are all thousand-year-old foxes, and they are still talking about Liaozhai.

"Okay, I'll contact the butler to prepare the car." The maid replied quickly.

There is no driver here, and the driver has to be transferred from the castle.

Ever since the kidnapping happened, they have been extra cautious about Qin Yise's safety measures when going out, for fear that if they don't pay attention, they will make the same mistakes again.

Otherwise, they won't be as lucky as last time, and they will all be laid off.

(End of this chapter)

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