you are the love of my life

Chapter 240 Only interested in pets

Chapter 240 Only interested in pets

Due to the tilt of her body, all the wine in the wine glass on her chest spilled onto his pants.

"Ah, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it..." Lisa said apologetically, and in a hurry, she directly wiped it for him with her hands.

It's strange that Rong Jinbei let her touch such a sensitive and embarrassing part.

The woman's hand froze in mid-air, before it touched his pants, she was ruthlessly pushed away.

"Mr. Rong is very elegant, so I won't bother you, you guys continue!" Qin Yise turned around coolly, and before she could walk out of the door, someone grabbed her arm.

Rong Jinbei stood up and walked over in three steps at a time, his eyes fixed on her expressionless face, and he asked with thin lips, "Who told you to come?"

His elegant figure covered her, completely blocking the light above her head, his broad palm clamped her arm forcefully, stepped forward, and pressed her between the door panel and his chest, with a slightly raised tone There is a little more unconscious danger: "My elegance will only be in pets, don't you still understand?"

Qin Yise understood the meaning of his words in an instant. Seeing so many high-level leaders present, she subconsciously pushed his chest, feeling his strong and powerful arms getting tighter and tighter, and her heart beat in an instant.

She stabilized her flustered breathing, raised her eyes, and smiled slightly: "I'm here to pick up Mr. Rong from get off work. As your personal secretary, even if it's the last day of work, I have to work hard and do a good job. Since you are busy, I Go outside and wait!"

Everyone was silent: "..."

Secretary Qin is so tough, he dared to talk to the president like this.

Rong Jinbei pursed his thin lips, and emphasized again: "Just now I was just playing a game, I'm not busy at all."

How decent would it be for him to admit that he was busy in a place like a nightclub!

Qin Yise smiled lightly, and replied in a playful tone: "Oh, I understand, I saw it, so I feel even more sorry for interrupting Mr. Rong's good business."

"What's a good thing to bother me? Don't be so mean. I've been drinking, so I shouldn't be driving. Take me back!"

After finishing speaking, Rong Jinbei tossed her the car keys and dragged Qin Yise out of the entertainment city without even having time to say hello.

The two were one in front of the other, without a word of exchange during the whole process. When they got out of the elevator, Rong Jinbei stuffed her into the car, fastened her seat belt, and got into the co-pilot himself. A series of movements were extremely smooth.

All the employees in the box stood stupidly, staring at the door for a long time, unable to recover.

The arrival of Qin Yise was like a cold wind passing through the border. It didn't blow up a big storm, but the effect was quite different from Lisa's imagination.

Why didn't she make a fuss, instead she wasn't angry at all, the president followed her and left, which was undoubtedly equivalent to slapping himself hard in the face!

Qin Yise, you are really insidious, I can't stop talking to you!
I will not lose, and I will never admit defeat so easily.

After finally squeezing you away, how could I still be defeated?

Lisa clenched her hands into fists.
Underground Parking Lot.

Qin Yise didn't expect that Rong Jinbei could be so brutal and powerful when he became a scoundrel.

She frowned, sitting in the driver's seat, and wanted to get out of the car, but before she could do anything, the man beside her had already pressed her down hard on the seat.

He is domineering and does not give her a little room to struggle.

In the narrow space, Rong Jin Bei's deep eyes stared at her intently, with complicated emotions in them, and finally turned into a sigh: "Don't try to escape, or I will break your legs!"

(End of this chapter)

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