you are the love of my life

Chapter 243 What Can You Have With a Secretary

Chapter 243 What Can You Have With a Secretary

"It's still dead duck mouthed, obviously jealous, but refuses to admit it."

Rong Jinbei was not in a hurry to clarify, but instead looked like he was waiting for a good show.

Qin Yise felt uncomfortable when he said that, every muscle was tense, and a certain part of her heart was sore, it didn't go away without a trace, but the painful touch was very clear.

She was a little jealous.

But so what?

Can he control her people, mentally?

"Rong Jinbei, your hands are like iron tongs, scratching me hurts, are you going to disable me to make you happy?"

Qin Yise said coldly, this man really doesn't treat her as a human being, she doesn't want to serve him endlessly, that's no different from a real pet.

"I don't want you to be disabled, okay, don't make trouble, it's getting late, go to sleep!"

The brazen man, on the contrary, talked about the conditions lightly.

After he finished speaking, he let go of his hand, Qin Yise broke away from his arms, pointed to his clothes and asked, "Your shirt has lipstick marks on it, you always take it off to wash and put it on again, Or just lost it?"

She intentionally frightened him.

"Of course throw it in the trash can." Rong Jinbei quickly unbuttoned it with his slender fingers.

In the blink of an eye, the expensive shirt was thrown into the trash can...

His cleanliness is very serious, and he will never wear dirty clothes a second time.

"it is good."

Qin Yise pursed her lips, and stopped making fun of herself, picked up the clothes on the ground, checked the pockets for valuables, then turned around and threw them into the trash can again.

Rong Jinbei's eyes followed her closely all the time, probably because his patience was exhausted, and he couldn't stand a woman ignoring him again and again.

He stepped over directly, picked up Qin Yise, put it on his shoulders, and walked to the second floor.

"Hey, what are you doing—" The sudden dizziness frightened Qin Yise, and she screamed subconsciously.

"What do you say!"

Rong Jinbei smiled coldly, kicked the door open domineeringly, walked inside, and told the maid, "Get out, you have nothing to do here!"

"Yes, sir."

The maid stepped back.

Without taking off her clothes, Qin Yise was directly thrown into the water by Rong Jinbei.

The bathtub was big enough, she vigorously wiped off the water stains on her face, and angrily punched her fists on the edge of the bathtub several times.

"Unconvinced? Come and bite me, when will you learn to behave better, and when will you not have to be bullied!" Rong Jinbei said slowly, and gave her a light glance.

Qin Yise clenched her fists, gritted her teeth and endured it again and again. She didn't blame others. She ran over to watch the live broadcast tonight because she was stupid.

For a man like him, it's normal to have a few confidante around him.

Perhaps all kinds of tricks have long been tried!

Lisa was sitting next to him, Rong Jinbei was holding the beauty in his arms, and he even used a straw to drink, as if it were juice, city people really know how to play!
"How dare I not be convinced, I am so impressed."

I don't know if it's because of disgust or nausea, Qin Yise's face turned pale with cold, and her breathing fluctuated violently.

"Woman, if you are jealous again, you will be too uncute. With so many people watching, what can I have with a secretary!"

Standing by the bathtub, Rong Jinbei looked down at her condescendingly, with a particularly gracious expression on his face, and said with a little charity: "Besides, playing games is just for entertainment."

(End of this chapter)

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