you are the love of my life

Chapter 255 Learn to Take the Initiative 1 Point

Chapter 255 Learn to Be Active

"Do you want money? If you want anything else, you will get tired of it sooner or later. life was saved by you. I really can't think of anything that I can give you."

Qin Yise said with a face of embarrassment, even lacking confidence.

Very good, her thorns have slowly begun to be pulled out!
At the beginning, it seemed that it was a wise choice to let the Qin family live so half-dead.

Rong Jinbei suddenly stopped his fingers, stared at her intently, his black eyes were as deep as swallowing someone, his thin lips were slightly hooked, "You know your weight very well, and you know that there is nothing you can get Make a move, exchange with me, so think carefully now, how to understand me, is the wisest choice!"

"Uh, so, are you hungry, I'll go down and make you a supper?" Qin Yise changed the topic, looked at him seriously and said.

As the saying goes, if you want to pinch a person's heart, you must first pinch his stomach.

Let's start with food.

This is a soft policy.


Rong Jinbei suddenly responded with a good temper, and casually spit out a syllable from his thin lips.

He looked at her with burning eyes, "But don't bother, there are ready-made ones here!"

"Here?" Qin Yise was stunned.

By the time she reacted, it was too late.

"It's you!" The man said domineeringly, he stood up suddenly, walked around the desk, and put her down on the sofa beside him.

Normally, she would definitely slap him without thinking.

But now she has something to ask for, so she can't refuse it.

"What do you want?"

Qin Yise followed his words and asked, she really felt that she was getting more and more depraved, and this kind of absurd deal was getting more and more handy.

Rong Jinbei looked down at her from a high position, the corners of his lips slowly raised, his arms propped on her sides, and his tone was playful: "I can do whatever I want?"

The corner of Qin Yise's mouth twitched, she knew it would not be so easy to get away with it.

Still want her to take the initiative.

She hesitated for a while, is it worth it to make a compromise for that kind of family?

But after all, there is mother's painstaking effort in it, no matter what you say, you can't give up in vain...

"My time is precious, and you can't afford it. If you hesitate any longer, I'll go to rest." Rong Jinbei looked at her embarrassed expression, raised his eyebrows, raised his wrist and looked at the hour hand, his eyes were full of determination.

"Then I'll go with you!"

Qin Yise went all out, not knowing if such an initiative was up to his standard.

"You think this will satisfy me? You're too naive!" Rong Jinbei hit her unceremoniously.

Qin Yise puffed her cheeks, snorted angrily and didn't rely too much on the test, directly pulled his neck and punched him.

"Since Mr. Rong looks down on me so much, why not hurry up and try my strength before it's too late!"

She said angrily, patting his cheek carelessly.

Rong Jinbei's neck leaned back slightly, and she hung her small hands on his neck, the soft touch was like a feather brushing, soft and sweet.

He was shocked, and the extravagant and bright lights on the ceiling turned into countless fragments at the bottom of his eyes, reflecting a strange light.

"I don't know your strength yet, is it appropriate to use this word?"

Rong Jinbei smiled viciously, deliberately whetting her appetite.

Qin Yise's random actions made Rong Jinbei feel as if his heartbeat stopped, like a person who has been dry in the desert for a long time, longing for water.

(End of this chapter)

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