you are the love of my life

Chapter 261 The Master Bedroom Cannot Be Entered

Chapter 261 The Master Bedroom Cannot Be Entered
"Of course it's Brother Jin Bei's father, who else could be there besides him!" Qiao Man answered first.

She smiled in various ways, looking down at her with the attitude of a winner.

A look of embarrassment flashed across Qin Yise's face, but it disappeared quickly. She pressed her lips tightly, and it took her a long time to force out a sentence: "No need, I'll take care of it myself!"

"Who can rest assured when you clean up by yourself? Keep an eye on me. In case she takes away something that shouldn't be taken, you will pay for all the losses!" Qiao Man instructed the maid next to her.

"Yes, Miss Qiao." The maid lowered her head, not daring to disobey.

"By the way, and also, remember to keep your dog's eyes open in the future to see who is the future mistress of the Rong family. My grandfather and Uncle Rong are life-and-death friends. Not some messy woman can be in Uncle Rong's place." See, the young mistress of the Rong family is not so easy to be."


The maid didn't dare to breathe, she had no choice but to obey.

Qin Yise turned around and walked towards her guest room, pinching her fingers tightly.

As soon as she entered a wealthy family, she hadn't even touched the threshold, and people had already started to exert pressure, killing all signs in the cradle.

She never thought of asking Jin Bei to climb up to him, this time she really had no other way, so she asked him for help.

Qin Yise would rather not have met him in the first place, and there would be no such thing as today.

She smiled coldly in her heart, extremely bitter.

Qiao Man gesticulated to the servant, acting like a hostess.

And all her things were packed and thrown into a cardboard box, and she packed them in a calm manner.

Qiao Man was not reconciled, and wanted to go to the master bedroom on the second floor to check, but was stopped by the maid, "Miss Qiao Man, the master bedroom is the young master's room, you can't go in without permission..."

"Go away! You don't have a place to talk here!"

The maid was stunned by the yelling, and she didn't dare to talk anymore.

Qin Yise had a headache when she heard the noisy voice.

She put several sets of clothes into the suitcase, turned sideways and said to the maid: "You go about your work, and you can come and check after I pack it up."

She didn't want any of the cards Rong Jinbei gave her, and those jewelry.

When she tapped properly, she was about to stand up, but Qiao Man stood in front of the bed and looked at her condescendingly, and suddenly said meaningfully: "Qin Yise, if I remember correctly, the clothes you are wearing are also from Brother Jin Bei. Buy it, take it off now!"

"Qiao Man, don't bully people too much!"

"I'm deceiving people too much? I don't want you to go out and use the banner of Brother Jin Bei to cheat and abduct. Then the reputation of the Rong family will be damaged. It's okay if you don't take it off, as long as you pay the original price."

"Heh, I owe him more than just this one piece of clothing. You have to figure it out, can you count it?" Qin Yise asked sarcastically.

Qiao Man's expression changed slightly. Of course she knew that Brother Jin Bei was entangled with Qin Yise because of the 70 billion debts!
She poked Qin Yise's forehead with her fingers inlaid with crystal nails, and snorted arrogantly: "Don't toast or eat fine wine, I will give you one last chance, the airport has prepared a special plane, go downstairs There will be a driver to take you there in the future, leave here as soon as possible, and never come back. Otherwise, wait for Uncle Rong to take action, and you will not be so easy!"

Qin Yise frowned slightly, stared blankly for a few seconds, then looked at her with doubts, "Why did you help me escape?"

"Because helping you is equivalent to helping myself. Brother Jin Bei will only see my existence when you disappear."

(End of this chapter)

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