you are the love of my life

Chapter 263 Danger on the Plane

Chapter 263 Danger on the Plane

"Qiao Man is looking for you? In the name of my father, I told you to retreat in the face of difficulties, but you pushed the boat along and agreed to her."

Rong Jinbei, this is not a question, but an affirmation!
He sentenced her to death, but Qin Yise couldn't argue with it: "I can't push the boat with the tide."

She retorted unwillingly, but her voice was a little weak, she raised her chin high, trying to prove her innocence, but her acting skills were too clumsy.

"Actually, I was just wondering if you would appear here, but I didn't expect that you and I really have a heart-to-heart connection. Mr. Rong, do you think there is really a God in this world?"

"Even if there is, he can't control my life."

Rong Jinbei sneered, and just quietly waited for her to come over by herself without revealing it.

But the eyes with a sarcastic smile clearly said: Pretend, let you continue to pretend!

He let her jump up and down first, anyway, sooner or later she would not be able to escape from her palm.

"You haven't answered me yet, why are you here?"

Qin Yise dragged her luggage and climbed into the cabin, asking like a dog.

The problem is back to square one.

"Go in."

Rong Jinbei didn't answer, but pushed her shoulders and walked into the cabin.

As soon as he was seated, the hatch was slowly closed, and he started to take off along the runway, leaving the land.

The figures and buildings on the ground became smaller and smaller, and finally shrank into small black dots.

The entire city of C is presented in front of your eyes, giving you the feeling of seeing all the mountains and small towns at a glance.

The green mountains and green waters in front of me seem to have no end, forming an ink painting naturally.

He didn't open his mouth to speak, and Qin Yise wisely didn't break the silence.

She lay on the window, staring blankly at the scenery in front of her, and suddenly felt that she seemed so small under the magnificent beauty of nature.

Beautiful things can not only dissipate all unhappy negative emotions, but also forget troubles.

No wonder when I was in school, the teacher often said that you should go out and walk more when you have time. If you have seen enough scenery, your mentality will naturally change.

The problems that bothered me at the beginning were no longer difficult problems.

Rong Jinbei stared at her fascinated profile, and snorted coldly: "My time is so precious, but you are like a dead man, silent!"

Uninterested woman.

Qin Yise didn't turn her head back, and retorted in twos and twos, "Mr. Rong, don't you think it's very rare to watch the scenery in silence?"

"I don't think so! Looking at the scenery is worse than looking at you." President Rong Da replied domineeringly, his face was particularly gloomy, obviously displeased.

This is the first time he has shown his heart and soul to a woman, and he didn't expect the other party to be ungrateful!

And he threw his heart in the trash can and broke it into pieces.

"If you don't speculate, you will say more than half a sentence, just pretend that I didn't say anything!"

Qin Yise pretended to be stupid on purpose, how much she ignored his confession.

Anyway, it's rare to hear a love story from President Rongda once, this woman has to give something to say, isn't she?

She actually doesn't talk speculatively!

very good!

Hearing this, Rong Jinbei sneered, followed her gaze to the endless green mountains and green waters, sparkling, gorgeous and bright scenery, inexplicable jealousy welled up in his chest.

He is not as good as a few broken mountains, broken water?
He stretched out his hand suddenly, pulled her into his arms, lifted her chin forcefully, twisted it to his side, and forced her to look back and focus on himself.

Before Qin Yise could react, the man's hot lips fell down.

His kiss was like a storm, urgent and fierce.

(End of this chapter)

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