Chapter 285

"Then you still come up with such a bad idea." Rong Jinbei gave him a displeased look, and pulled Qin Yise to sit on the sofa beside him.

Qin Yise's forehead twitched: "..."

"Maybe you're pregnant, and a miracle will happen. It just so happens that your old man is putting pressure on you recently?" Dr. Meyer looked at him and teased him with deep meaning.

Rong Jinbei's legs crossed casually, a memorable gleam flashed in his eyes, "I never do anything I'm not sure about!"

Meier nodded, "Okay, that's all I've said, it's up to you whether you want a child or not."

"Stop talking nonsense, check her to see if there are any other problems, and test her IQ by the way, the matter of having a baby is no small matter." Rong Jinbei suddenly changed the subject and instructed.

Qin Yise was speechless, he was really a man who liked to make his own decisions.

Dr. Meyer opened his mouth wide in astonishment, suddenly understood his fickle psychology, and smiled clearly, "Don't worry, I'll go check your sweetheart from head to toe with precision instruments now!"

As he spoke, he glanced at Qin Yise, "Miss Qin, please come with me."

Qin Yise was startled, Rong Jinbei let go of her hand, gave her an encouraging look, and comforted her, "Go!"

Qin Yise was a little hesitant, and felt embarrassed at the thought of drawing blood.

Her blood is so precious, she is always careful not to get hurt easily.

"It's just a routine inspection, don't be so nervous." Rong Jinbei seemed to see through her thoughts, looked at her with dark eyes, and comforted her softly.

Qin Yise followed Meier to the physical examination department for an examination. Rong Jinbei stood up and walked to the balcony, took out his mobile phone and dialed a number to go out.

The call was quickly connected.

"Brother Jin Bei, you finally remembered me, is there something wrong?" Qiao Man's beautiful voice sounded very happy.

Rong Jinbei resisted the urge to tear her apart, and took a deep breath, "Stop trying to sow discord in front of her, tell tales, this kind of trick will only backfire if you do it too much, really think I won't touch you?"

Qiao Man was silent for a while, and said with a wry smile: "Is that why you don't trust me? I didn't do anything, I just told the truth, believe it or not!"

"Enough." Rong Jinbei interrupted her sternly, "I don't want to listen to any explanation nonsense."

"Qin Yise's disease is incurable. Even if you arrange the best doctor to treat her, it's useless. She doesn't have the confidence to stay by your side. How can you blame me for all the responsibility?"

"Then you'd better not have ulterior motives." Rong Jinbei sneered, "Otherwise I don't know what I will do!"

After speaking, he didn't give Qiao Man any chance to stay, and hung up the phone directly.

Qiao Man held the phone with an ugly expression on her face.

She quickly opened the address book, dialed another number, and asked impatiently after connecting: "The people at the hospital, have you made arrangements?"

The other party immediately replied, "It's all arranged. Qin Yise is doing a physical examination, and Dr. Meier is personally supervising it. We don't dare to be too blatant."

"Trash!" Qiao Man scolded fiercely: "If you can't even do this little thing well, what use do I need you for?"

She was furious, a glint of sternness appeared in her eyes, and the expression on her beautiful and dignified face was ferocious and terrifying.

"Except for me, no one can take the place of young mistress of the Rong family, that woman must be eradicated!"

(End of this chapter)

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