you are the love of my life

Chapter 288 The Unscented Rose

Chapter 288 The Unscented Rose

She has always disliked things that are too exciting, and she feels that it is easy to leave a shadow in her heart.

Qin Yise pretended to be calm, stuffed popcorn into her mouth one by one, gritted her teeth and looked at the calm look of a certain man beside her, she felt the urge to pinch him!
Rong Jinbei put his arms behind her back, as if waiting for something at any time.

Qin Yise gritted her teeth and persisted till the end, she felt like throwing up after eating the popcorn.

Rong Jinbei was a little depressed. When the movie ended, he was about to stand up...

Suddenly, a horrifying scream came, accompanied by horrific close-up photos, the sound effects were too realistic, and the movie picture made the audience feel as if those horrific voices were right beside them.

This time, Qin Yise was successfully frightened. She dropped the popcorn in her hand, tightly strangled Rong Jinbei, and plunged into Rong Jinbei's arms.

The sudden scene made Rong Jinbei's heart tremble.

His fingers were still wrapped around her hair, and it turned into soft fingers in an instant.

The corner of the man's mouth twitched triumphantly, and he patted her on the back lightly, silently soothing her emotions.

Qin Yise buried her head in his arms, unable to see how dark the treacherous smile on his face was at the moment.

After a long time, a man's teasing low laughter came from above his head, "Is that enough?"

Only then did Qin Yise come back to her senses suddenly, and quickly let go of the hands on his waist.

"Actually, I don't mind if you give me a few more hugs, as long as I'm not afraid that others will laugh at you."

"Cut!" Who cares, Qin Yise rubbed her nose to hide her embarrassment.

Seeing that the person in front of her still wanted to investigate, she quickly changed the subject, "I almost vomited from eating popcorn, let's go for a walk."

"Who made you eat so much junk food, you deserve it!"

He reprimanded her with his mouth, but there was no trace of blame on his face.

The night outside has completely fallen, and there are people everywhere, and it is very lively.

There are stalls, shopping, eating, watching movies, and catching the bus after get off work.
Qin Yise was content to appreciate these extraordinary scenery, feeling that this was just like life.

"Sir, buy a bunch of flowers!" A flower vendor stopped them.

Rong Jinbei stopped, looked at the rose stand on the side of the road, then turned to look at the woman beside him, "This, do you like it?"

His voice seemed to be close to her ear, opening and closing, the scorching breath fell on her ear, as mellow and gentle as red wine, making it irresistible!

Qin Yise swallowed with difficulty, feeling that the air was so thin that she was almost unable to stand up.

" decide, I don't care."

There is no like or dislike, she has no right to care about these things, being alive is already a luxury.

"Heh." Rong Jinbei glanced at the low-quality roses with some lack of interest, with a half-smile, which made people intoxicated.

"It's a pity that these are all high imitations. They are dyed with chemicals and have no rose scent at all. If I bought them, wouldn't I be cheating you?"

"Then don't buy it." Qin Yise said flatly.

What's so confusing about this.

If you really want to criticize, there is probably nothing in this street that can catch his eyes, Young Master Rong.

She shook off his hand and continued to walk forward. She couldn't help but take a second look when she saw something novel.

If it wasn't for worrying about causing unnecessary trouble, Rong Jinbei really wished that the whole street would be covered up so that she could appreciate it enough!

(End of this chapter)

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