you are the love of my life

Chapter 291 What is the bet

Chapter 291 What is the bet

"Rong Jinbei, you can't love only one person wholeheartedly, so please put away your tenderness, because this kind of kindness to me is not a favor, but a gut-piercing poison!"

Qin Yise fell into his arms and said in a sullen voice.

The temperature on his body made her very greedy, but this feeling was like stealing someone else's treasure, uneasy and endless.

Yes, she is a coward, really afraid that one day she will lose her way in this gentle whirlpool.

I can never find myself again...

But he was a man, he was tired of playing, and he left without any loss.

She didn't want to lose her body, but also her heart.

Rong Jinbei frowned, and looked at her suspiciously: "What's wrong? You're talking nonsense again."

Qin Yise sniffed and shook her head, "Why don't we make a bet, if I win, you have to agree to my request unconditionally."

"Bet? Are you thinking of evil ideas every minute in your little head?" Rong Jinbei's lips fluttered, and he smiled dotingly, his face full of teasing.

"Then do you agree to bet with me?" Qin Yise asked coquettishly.

He nodded briskly, with an attitude that he must win: "Okay, you can bet as much as you want, even if you bet your whole life, I can afford it!"

As expected of Young Master Rong, this answer is really domineering.

Qin Yise stretched out her little finger and hooked it with his little finger: "You keep what you say, if you lose, don't regret it, no matter what happens, don't interfere with my freedom..."


Before she finished speaking, his little mouth was tightly blocked by him!

"Don't worry, I won't lose." Rong Jinbei said coldly, "If you don't feel safe following me and you need to run away in order to find a lifetime of peace, then I will show you my true ability! "

After the first kiss, he held her face in his hands and kissed her eyes, stern but with infinite tenderness.

Qin Yise woke up like a dream, realized that she was almost falling into the love net he woven, and closed her eyes hastily, afraid that he would find out her clues.

His unfathomable eyes seemed to be able to hide the secrets in her heart. This feeling made Qin Yise panic.

"Rong Jinbei, I'm serious, can you listen to me before making a decision..." She asked with difficulty.

"I'm also serious, so there's no need to say anything. You can't have a chance to escape from me. No matter where you go, I can find you. If you don't believe me, you can try!"

The man interrupted her indifferently again. The look on his face was not joking, because he did have this ability.

As long as she was still alive, it would be easy for him to find her!
However, his identity and status were beyond her reach.

Although Qiao Man's words were harsh, they were all true. She was indeed not worthy of the noble him.

Rong Jinbei held her in his arms like a normal person, "What do you want to bet? A love game? Whoever falls in love with each other first will admit defeat?"

"No..." Qin Yise replied reflexively.

"Then let's play with passion. You lose if you arrive first, and you win if I do that first? How about it?"

If you want to gamble, you have to bet on something a little more exciting!
Rong Jinbei is a standard actionist, he will do what he says.

Qin Yise didn't have time to refuse...

(End of this chapter)

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