Chapter 299

The man smiled meaningfully, as if admiring her courage.

"Come with me." He made a gesture of invitation.

Qin Yise clenched her lips tightly. Since there is no way to escape, let's calm down and face the reality calmly!

She took a deep breath, lowered her head humbly, followed the pace of the man in front, and entered the private seat of the box.

Qin Yise was a little surprised that Mr. Rong would choose this kind of coffee shop to meet her.

Shouldn't such a high-ranking senior like teahouses, high-end clubs and the like, quiet and elegant places?
It seems that he didn't intend to do anything to him, maybe it was just a simple conversation, this realization made Qin Yise feel a little relieved.

Opening the beaded curtain, she saw an old man with gray temples, sitting on a leather sofa, holding a cane in both hands, looking at the scenery outside the window, wondering what he was thinking, and was engrossed in it.

The aura of the king on him made people feel oppressed invisibly, subconsciously held their breath, and approached cautiously, not daring to make random moves.

Qin Yise had always been curious about what kind of parents could give birth to a son with strong genes like Rong Jinbei.

Seeing the true face of old man Rong now, it is not an exaggeration to say that like a father, like a son.

Sensing a strange aura approaching, Rong Zhanting showed a kind smile on his face, and waved slightly, "Girl, you're welcome, just sit down."

Qin Yise straightened her back and sat down on the seat opposite him, not forgetting that this seemingly easy-going elder is Rong Jinbei's biological father, and he has bloody and cruel methods in his bones!

"Mr. Rong, hello, my name is Qin Yise, please give me your advice." Qin Yise introduced herself calmly.

Rong Zhanting nodded in satisfaction, "I sent someone to investigate you, and the woman who can make my son treat me differently really surprised me!"

There was a faint smile on his face, but there was no half smile in his eyes.

As the old man Rong said, he handed the menu to Qin Yise and asked, "What do you want to drink?"

“Blue Mountain Coffee Bar.”

"Okay, two glasses of Blue Mountain." Rong Zhanting ordered indifferently.

"Yes, sir." The manager immediately turned around and went out to order the waiter to freshly grind coffee.

Qin Yise glanced at the man opposite him calmly, and said nervously, "I don't know why Mr. Rong asked me for it?"

She got straight to the point, but Rong Zhanting interrupted her and said, "It's not a good thing for young people to be too impatient. The coffee is not good. Why don't you dry your throat?"

"'s okay." Qin Yise answered boldly, not understanding what he meant by asking this question.

Rong Zhanting continued to smile unpredictably, looked at her secretively, his eyes stayed on her neck, and then frowned slightly: "Look at you, it seems that you didn't rest last night, okay?"

Qin Yise's eyebrows twitched, and she lowered her head guiltily.

Is it that obvious?She also deliberately put on makeup to cover up before going out!
The corners of the old man Rong's mouth were raised, his lips curled into a cold sneer, and his tone was mocking: "Jin Bei is not young anymore, I am going to find a suitable partner for him, let him get engaged, take care of him, and you think you should continue to stay with your identity." Is it suitable to be by his side?"

Although the words were very kind and didn't mean to be persuasive, Qin Yise still understood the contempt in his words.

(End of this chapter)

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