you are the love of my life

Chapter 303 Make him angry

Chapter 303 Make him angry

"This has nothing to do with you, and I have no obligation to answer such silly questions!" Rong Jinbei clenched his fists and answered coldly.

"Hehe, son, if she really likes you, no one can separate you, but if her purpose is not pure, then you can only keep her people, and she used up your feelings and desperately I only want to escape." Mr. Rong said calmly.

"Are you finished?"

Rong Jinbei looked at him casually, his eyes were cold as if he was looking at a stranger, "Shut up after you finish speaking, if you don't want to kill your children and grandchildren, put away your dirty tricks!"


Rong Zhanting didn't seem to expect him to speak so rudely, he glared at him furiously, pointed at him with trembling fingers, his lips trembled for a long time, but he was powerless to refute, and finally had to give up.

"Jin Bei, I'll just say it once, you can play however you like before marriage, I can't control it, but I can't let you mess around with your life's major events!"

Rong Jinbei's expression was indifferent, and he said: "Father, you can do whatever you want, it's your business to make troubles, it's my business whether you listen or not."

"Brat, would you be where you are today without me? Don't forget where your roots are. I can establish you, or tear you down at any time!"

"Then trouble you to find a more suitable person to inherit the position of president. I am also happy to relax."

Rong Jinbei was not threatened by him at all.

Grandpa Rong stared angrily, "Forget it, I didn't come here to quarrel with you today. I have another important thing to tell you. There will be a banquet in three days, and you must attend it."

"What kind of banquet is worthy of your attention and needs to be notified in person?"

"Asshole, don't always treat me like this. I'm your biological father. No matter what I do, it's for your own good."

"Don't talk so high-soundingly, for my own good, you won't kill me three years ago!" Rong Jinbei interrupted him impatiently.

He couldn't forget the hellish devil training he received in peacekeeping. What his so-called father needed was an heir, not his own son!
Rong Zhanting knew that he was wrong, so he stopped bringing up the old story again, but changed his words: "Don't forget about the banquet, there is an important person who wants to be introduced to you grandly."

"Not interested in."

After Rong Jin Beiji finished speaking arrogantly, he glanced at him lazily, turned his head and left.

This kind of banquet is just a blind date in disguise.

He walked to the car, and the driver opened the rear door. Qin Yise sat quietly on the seat, like a mouse, looking at him in panic, not daring to make any sound.

"Don't bite your lip, leaving a mark is ugly!"

Rong Jinbei sat in, surrounded her tightly with a domineering aura, and gave orders coldly.

Qin Yise subconsciously released her lips, the driver started the engine, the car turned a corner, turned around and left.

Next, along the way, Rong Jinbei didn't say a word, only the sound of the tires driving smoothly on the ground.

Many words were stuck in her throat, Qin Yise wanted to speak several times, but seeing his tense side face, the words came to her mouth, she could only swallow them again.

Not long after, the car stopped at the gate of the castle, and the European-style townhouse was magnificent and magnificent.

The car stopped, and the servants saluted one after another.

With no expression on his face, Rong Jinbei pushed the car door down, and roughly pulled Qin Yise down.

"Rong Jinbei, let go, I'll go by myself!"

She could hardly keep up with his footsteps, stumbling all the way.

(End of this chapter)

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