you are the love of my life

Chapter 305 The Most Embarrassing Thing...

Chapter 305 The Most Embarrassing Thing...

His low-mellow voice is three parts cool and seven parts sarcastic.

Qin Yise's heart ached from his words.

"What are you doing in a daze, still not taking it off? Wait for me to do it myself?" His voice was still so indifferent that there was no warmth.

Qin Yise pulled off the wet clothes on her body, raised her chin, looked at his exquisite and three-dimensional facial features, and curled her lips in a wooden way, "Rong Jinbei, do you have a dual personality?"

The man frowned slightly, and asked in displeasure, "What do you want to say?"

"Being kind to others once, and treating them so badly all the time, either you are schizophrenic, or I am sick, I have nothing to do to stay here and be abused by you!"

Qin Yise complained angrily, and suddenly vented all her grievances.

Rong Jinbei grasped her shoulders, slowly leaned closer, and said with a half-smile, "That's right, the greatest joy in my life is to tame this disobedient little beast like you, and now I'll let you develop a good memory. "

"Hey, hey, don't mess around, it's daytime, don't you have to work?"

"It's easy to do things during the day, and the light is sufficient, so you can see clearly, whose woman are you!"

Unmoved, he curled his lips indifferently, before Qin Yise recovered his composure, the familiar lips fell down.

Both of them had rapid heartbeats.

"Rong Jinbei, what exactly do you want? Playing with me makes you feel very fulfilled? I'm already your pet, and you have plenty of time to entertain yourself, so why rush it?" Qin Yise asked angrily.

The man overturned her conclusion loudly, "You are the one who wants to play, and I'm just going to accompany you to the end!"

He attacked fiercely, but Qin Yise couldn't dodge in time, so she simply stopped struggling and lay there like a dead fish.

Perhaps it was her indifferent attitude that angered the man on her body.


Rong Jinbei fixed her hands on the top of her head, and asked through gritted teeth, "I will satisfy you as much as possible, why are you still going to see the old man behind my back now, what trick do you want to play? Hmm? Answer me! "

"I don't dare to play tricks. I just respect him. Anyway, as your elder, if I take the initiative to make an appointment, I can't refuse, right?" Qin Yise said tactfully.

President Rongda made it clear that he didn't believe it: "Very well, then don't reject me anymore, just lie down and enjoy it!


Qin Yise was in a daze for a few seconds, his breathing and body temperature were like the scorching sun scorching her, the scalding heat was about to cook her.

She watched in astonishment as his facial features approached a little bit, and the Harmony drifted past...

The man stared at her intently, raised his eyebrows and smiled viciously...

Qin Yise's face was blushing.


In this extremely embarrassing situation, her great aunt actually paid a visit!
Embarrassed, Qin Yise wanted to find a hole in the ground to get in, but Rong Jinbei held her hands down, unable to move, she twisted and struggled twice...

Rong Jinbei looked at her suspiciously, just now he pretended to be dead with him, why did he suddenly change his temper and become shy?

This is not an emotional expression, but rather weird!

The air was filled with the smell of blood, the man glanced down inadvertently, and when he saw the deep red pool of blood on the bed sheet, his handsome face immediately darkened.


"What's your situation? Are you injured? Why is there so much blood!"

Although Rong Jinbei had a guess in his mind, it passed by so quickly that he didn't have time to catch it.

And Qin Yise's blurted answer just verified his guess.

(End of this chapter)

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