Chapter 313

Probably sensing her scrutiny, Gu Xiyuan looked at her with a flash of shock on her face.

"Hey, Yise, what a coincidence, why are you here?"

Gu Xiyuan held up her skirt and walked towards her with a smile on her face.

Qiao Nansheng played with the digital camera in his hand, but didn't approach it.

He wasn't interested in gossip about women's families, but he probably would be interested in these photos.

He took out his mobile phone, took a few photos, edited it with the chat software, and clicked send.

Gu Xiyuan's every frown and smile is full of temperament, this kind of noble daughter's upbringing makes Qin Yise feel ashamed.

"Yeah, what a coincidence."

Qin Yise stood up straight in front of the railing, bit the bullet and smiled.

When she was in school before, Gu Xiyuan helped herself out of a siege and angered Xiao Feifei. Although they didn't have a deep friendship, she had a 100% affection for this lady.

Gu Xiyuan smiled and looked at her attire, it was very ordinary, but the price of the skirt was not cheap, she couldn't afford it, and then said, "Yiser, are you here to attend the banquet on behalf of the Qin family? Why haven't you seen your family?"

"Just me!" No family.

Qin Yise answered briefly.

"Oh, I'm sorry, did I say something wrong? In fact, I came back this time to visit relatives. The study abroad was not so heavy. On the contrary, it was very relaxing. I blame my stubborn father for insisting on me getting engaged. " Gu Xiyuan complained dissatisfied.

It's so vulgar to arrange marriages in what age!

At this kind of banquet, she didn't even want to show her face, she just hid outside with her ears clean.

Qiao Nansheng and her have been close since childhood, but it's a pity that the Qiao family and the Gu family have always been competitors, and the two have no chance to develop further.

On the other hand, Rong Jinbei has always been like a mythical existence in her world.

During her four years in college, she had been obsessed with his various deeds, and everyone around her strongly instilled in her the idea that this man was her best destination.

Talented man and beautiful woman, a match made in heaven!
"It's okay, I was dragged by boring people to pass the time too." Qin Yise explained forcefully.

They had no idea that the bond between them was actually the same man.

"Alas." Gu Xiyuan sighed after thinking about it, "Why do women marry and have children? They can't spend the rest of their lives with the person they like. Even if they marry the best man, they will be rich and powerful, rich as an enemy, and able to live together. How? There will be no happiness at all!"

Will you be happy with the person you like?

Qin Yise's eyes dimmed, and before she came back to her senses, Gu Xiyuan warmly took her hand, and asked curiously: "By the way, what kind of boring person did you get to entertain you? If he dares to bully you, tell me, I will avenge you, my father is here today, no matter how big the wrist is, I will give me three points!"

"Thank you, but there's no need. We can't offend anyone with his status. It's better to keep him at a respectful distance." Qin Yise smiled lightly, unwilling to talk more about Rong Jinbei.

"Oh, really?"

The more Qin Yise hesitated to speak, the more curious Gu Xiyuan became, her smiling face was full of deep thought.

"Let me introduce a friend to you. Maybe you can rely on him to help you accommodate your father's affairs!"

As Gu Xiyuan spoke, she pointed at Qiao Nansheng.

(End of this chapter)

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