Chapter 315
However, as soon as she moved, Gu Xiyuan stopped her, "Yise, how about I introduce you to some friends of the opposite sex to see if there are any sexual interests you can associate with? Knowing more friends in this way will be beneficial to your future life." The future also helps a lot.”

"no need."

Qin Yise refused decisively.

Gu Xiyuan persuaded her sincerely, "Don't refuse in a hurry. Working for others is not only undignified, but also depends on the face of the boss. It is better to find a reliable boyfriend than anything else. In this way, Nan Sheng I know a lot of people in officialdom and shopping malls, can I ask him to introduce you to one?"

This is the rhythm of matchmaking for her!
"My relationship with Mr. Rong is not what you think." Qin Yise felt helpless, but she didn't know how to explain it.

Anyway, she is not in a hurry to sell herself, what is the difference between relying on other men and relying on Rong Jinbei, isn't it the same reason?
It is better to maintain the status quo than to toss to the end and fetch water from the bamboo basket in vain.

"It's not what we thought, what kind of relationship is there between Miss Qin and Jin Bei?" Qiao Nansheng asked with a half-smile.

He had a harmless smile on his face, and his pure and innocent eyes fixed on Qin Yise, "As far as I know, you and Jin Bei are creditors, right? How much you owe him depends on Xiyuan's In terms of face, if you really want to pay off this debt as soon as possible, I can introduce you to a few shortcuts."

"." Before Qin Yise could speak, a familiar voice came from behind.

"Darling, you are disobedient again, you don't know the place, why are you running around by yourself?"

At some point, Rong Jinbei strode over. His long and narrow eyes were full of smiles, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised. His expression was lazy but noble.

It was the first time Gu Xiyuan looked at him at such a close distance, her heart missed half a beat, and her cheeks blushed unknowingly.

Qin Yise's forehead twitched, and her scalp tingled when she heard the address he called out to her.

She looked at Gu Xiyuan in embarrassment, and explained casually: "Sorry, I have something else to do, so I'm sorry!"

When Gu Xiyuan heard Qin Yise make an excuse to leave, before she could react from the shock, she immediately blocked her way and said angrily:
"Qin Yise, I didn't expect that you were really Rong Shao's female companion. Why didn't you tell me earlier? You made me pretend to be affectionate for a long time, and seeing me ashamed, don't you feel a sense of accomplishment? Since you're all around The Rong family is a big tree, and they still pretend to be weak with me, their scheming is really deep!"

Before Qin Yise could answer, she was interrupted by the person beside her in a deep voice: "Miss Gu seems to be very interested in what happened between us? Didn't Nan Sheng tell you?"

Rong Jinbei pulled Qin Yise into his arms, protecting his cub like an eagle, his voice was deep and cold, with strong possessive desire.

Qin Yise didn't need to look up to know how arrogant his face was at the moment.

Does he think she is not miserable enough, even the last friend has to become an enemy before he is reconciled.

Qiao Nansheng shrugged irrelevantly, and explained, "I'm not a gossip, so I don't have the leisure to discuss your nonsense. Besides, you have so many women, how do I know when it's just a joke and when it's serious, Jin Bei, did the relationship between you and Miss Qin come from sleeping?"

After all, the meeting between him and the secretary department was so big that it was widely circulated.

(End of this chapter)

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