you are the love of my life

Chapter 334 One litter of snakes and rats, the relationship is chaotic enough

Chapter 334 A nest of snakes and rats, the relationship is chaotic enough
Anyway, Rong Jinbei never counted on him as his father.
Qin Yise invites her friend Ning Miaomiao to go shopping in the mall.

They bought indiscriminately, without looking at the price, and felt sleepy, so they wrapped them all up, swiped their cards, and threw them to the bodyguards for twisting.

I don't know if it's too boring, but the two women have to rely on shopping to pass the time.

In the past, a penny was extremely precious to Qin Yise.

Now she actually swipes Rong Jinbei's card with such peace of mind, she really has fallen...

Ning Miaomiao followed her with a bitter face, "It's said that spending money buys happiness, why is there so much blood, but I don't feel any fun at all?"

Qin Yise rubbed her hair, smiled, "You are so pessimistic at such a young age, if you lived in such a bloody environment like mine, you would hang yourself by wiping your neck!"

"That's different. You are invulnerable to all kinds of poisons, Sese. You have already developed an indestructible body, but I am very fragile. I have never been in a relationship, but my grades have been failing all the way. I don't care what I want. I feel that life is everywhere. Full of hurt." Ning Miaomiao said dejectedly.

Because of her unsatisfactory things in her studies, and because of the obstacles and ups and downs in her life, Qin Yise felt a sense of desolation that could see through life and death.

The two were tired from shopping, so they found a western restaurant and took a rest halfway.

The quiet environment and soothing music make people relax their unconsciously tense nerves slowly, and there is a kind of relief of sudden release of pressure.

"What do you want to eat, order it yourself, I'll go to the bathroom." Qin Yise stood up after sitting down for a few minutes.

Ning Miaomiao looked at the sky-high price menu, her eyeballs were about to pop out, she swallowed: "The steak here is actually more expensive than Qingdao prawns, what a robbery! Why don't you go to another restaurant, or go downstairs for coffee and dinner?" Milk tea, my treat?"

"It's okay, you can order whatever you like. I brought an ATM." Qin Yise snickered and pointed to the bodyguard standing outside.

Ning Miaomiao's little heart was still trembling, and she couldn't bear this high consumption: "The food here is not only not enough to fill your stomach, but also expensive, are you sure President Rongda won't let you pay back your capital with interest?" Are you going back?"

"He asked me to pay back the money every time, but in the end, he always owed more and more. I am immune!"

Standing opposite, Qin Yise said calmly.

She snapped her fingers, called the waiter, and then winked at her friend: "Okay, don't worry, just order a double if you think it's too little. I don't care about the price, so what are you afraid of?"

Ning Miaomiao raised her head and looked at Qin Yise adoringly, her eyes were as pious as worshiping Buddha, "Sure enough, gold will shine everywhere, Sese, you will be my idol from now on. I decided to hang out with you !"

"Come on, I'm so hard to protect myself, you still follow me, don't cheat yourself, you choose slowly, I will go back when I go."

Because it was not time to eat, there were very few people in the whole western restaurant.

Qin Yise walked into the women's bathroom, closed the single lattice door, and heard the female staff outside chatting.

"Have you read the news last night, that lady from the Qin family's nightclub actually hooked up with Rong Shao, this woman's life is too good!"

"But God is fair, didn't he let her have an incurable disease?" Another woman said.

"By the way, haven't you heard? Her little mother, Xie Kun, absconded and hid with the housekeeper. Her father is still in prison. The Qin family almost went bankrupt. If it wasn't for Rong Jinbei, there might be no scum left. Right. Tsk tsk, it really is a nest of snakes and rats, the relationship is messy enough!"

(End of this chapter)

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