Chapter 340 Let It Go

After getting the key, Qin Yise went to the bank early the next morning. She was very dizzy and it took a lot of effort before she walked to the safe.

All the valuable things inside have been searched by Xu Kexin!
All that was left were some documents and important materials, which she probably couldn't understand, so she didn't take them.

Qin Yise flipped through the archives, they were all insider transactions.

She took away all the materials, and after getting into the car, she opened the file bag with heavy hands——

It is full of business partners who have cooperated with Qin's many times. Although it is just a small trick, she has to visit in person and give it a go, no matter what the result is...

The car arrived at one of the companies. Before getting out of the car, Qin Yise held the documents in her hand, took a deep breath, and brewed her emotions.

If she has nothing to go to the Three Treasures Hall, she rashly came to disturb, in fact, it is easy to be misunderstood, she came to provoke trouble!

... Alas, never mind, just bite the bullet.

Dead horses as living horse doctors!
When the front desk saw her barging in, he wanted to stop her, but found out that she was a popular figure in the news, Rong Shao's new favorite, so he called the senior management to report.

Unexpectedly, Qin Yise didn't even need to make an appointment. Qin Yise went all the way without any hindrance, and was directly led by the security guard to meet their chairman.

Rong Jinbei's aura is really powerful, and using his name to commit crimes can get twice the result with half the effort!
But these old backbones in the mall are not so easy to fool.

The man stared playfully at the little girl in front of him with his cunning and cunning gaze like a fox: "Yiser, it's not that uncle doesn't help you, but that you take these crap and think it's a trick? I know your urgent wish The Qin family has made a comeback, but Uncle regrets to tell you that shopping malls are like battlefields, winners and losers, no one will care about these small details..."

"Uncle Li, you have received so many kickbacks from the Qin Corporation, and now you are supporting me, it seems that you have lost nothing, right?"

The old man looked at Qin Yise's helpless but stubborn appearance, sighed, and as someone who had been there, he said earnestly, "Everyone likes to do things that make the icing on the cake, how many people can give charcoal in a timely manner?"

Qin Yise pursed her lips and remained silent, not wanting to entangle her too much.

She didn't give up, and found a few more companies that had worked closely with Qin's, but the results were all the same.


Qin's stock has fallen to the bottom and is facing the risk of delisting!
Going on like this is tantamount to sitting back and waiting to die.

Returning in vain, she drove aimlessly, thinking of Rong Jinbei, I am afraid that only he can help her to turn things around!
But why did she ask him to make these sacrifices for herself again and again?
On the financial radio, the stock market is being broadcast: "The business leader Rong Group, which has always been known as a high-performance stock, has been affected by various factors due to changes in shareholders and scandals over the past few days. The stock price has been severely fluctuated. Yesterday The rise after the lower limit has caused investors to panic. Today’s stock price trend is still sluggish in early trading. It seems that there are major issues that have not been disclosed. 80.00% of netizens are bearish, and only 20.00% are bullish..."

Qin Yise was stunned, holding the steering wheel for a long time and didn't come back to her senses, unexpectedly something happened to Rong's at this time!

He... No wonder he hasn't seen anyone for two days, and he doesn't know what's going on?

Misfortunes never come singly, Rong Jinbei is already too busy to take care of himself, there is no way to help her.

And everyone thinks that the Qin family has no investment value.

Qin Yise drove the car irritably, wandering aimlessly on the street, who else could she turn to?
(End of this chapter)

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