you are the love of my life

Chapter 342 The Consequences Of Angering Him Are Serious

Chapter 342 The Consequences Of Angering Him Are Serious
Qin Yise was slightly taken aback, seeing the tenderness in his eyes, the pity and sympathy in his eyes, her heart shrank suddenly.

She didn't like this feeling, like a stray dog ​​being rescued, she couldn't help but look away, looked into the distance, and said lightly: "Can you promise not to force me to do things against my will? As long as you promise, I will Accept your terms."

"Of course." He Shaofeng said bluntly.

Qin Yise pursed her lips, feeling more and more that she was a cheap commodity, and kept making transactions in exchange for chips.

"Even if you don't like me like a man and a woman, don't refuse my kindness, Yise, I will take care of you, but if you don't want to owe me favors, after the matter is satisfactorily resolved, you can get together and break up with me." I won't stop you either." He said lightly.

The magnetic voice, like an elegant cello, is pleasant to the ear.

This familiar sense of security makes people feel a little warm.

Qin Yise's eyes were wet, and she tried her best to hold back the tears, so that the tears did not fall.

When she was about to refuse, suddenly, the phone rang again——

Qin Yise looked at the screen, tightened her fingers so hard that her breathing almost stopped.

He Shaofeng saw that she was strange, and also guessed who was looking for her all over the world at this time!

So, he decided to go all out, broke through his bottom line again, and said with all his might:
"Don't answer, if you don't want to owe him too much, then we will make an agreement in three chapters and reach a verbal agreement. As long as you cooperate with me in acting, you will be my girlfriend in name for two years, and nothing will happen unless you want it." Intimate relationship, after the agreement is reached, no one is allowed to regret it, how about it?"

Qin Yise hesitated, then raised her eyes to look at him, her eyes were as clear as water.

"If you don't believe it, you can record it with your mobile phone!" He Shaofeng added.

After Qin Yise's cell phone stopped ringing, it rang again, as if urging her to die, which made her scalp tingle.

She hesitated for a while, but still answered, but her tone was bad, and she asked coldly, "Is there something wrong with Mr. Rong?"

"What did you call me?" The voice of the man on the other end sank, revealing a bit of displeasure.

Qin Yise repeated indifferently: "Mr. Rong, Young Master Rong, what's the matter?"

"I don't know which muscle of yours is wrong, and what kind of emotions you are having. I heard that you are not feeling well, and you are still wandering outside, making troubles for others everywhere? Immediately go home and stay obediently. I have all the problems! "

When Qin Yise heard his domineering tone, she couldn't think at all.

However, she didn't want to burden him anymore, and let him worry too much about herself, and said in a cold tone: "A busy person like Mr. Rong, how can he have time to care about my affairs? You are so busy now, why don't you?" Stop meddling in your own business!"

"Meddle in your own business?" Hearing her sarcastic tone, Rong Jinbei frowned in displeasure, and roared angrily, "Qin Yise, you don't want me to tie you back, so you consciously obey and make me angry The consequences are very serious, do you want to experience it?"

"How dare I, I'm just persuading Mr. Rong not to spend so much time on me, it's really not worth it..."

"Whether it's worth it or not is up to me!" Rong Jinbei interrupted her angrily, his voice lowered a bit.

"Okay, whatever you want, I still have things to do, so I'll hang up first." Qin Yise said without hesitation.

Rong Jinbei clenched his fists, dealing with the stock market for two days, he was exhausted.

Now that the Qin family has another scandal, he has no intention of coaxing her petty temper, the more stalemate he is now, the more he can't explain it clearly!

(End of this chapter)

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