Chapter 345

"So what?"

She straightened her back, looked directly at him, and asked back not to be outdone.

"very good!"

The man's expression was still gentle, but it was a little more unpredictable: "Let's not mention this account for now. I've been so busy that I haven't eaten dinner. Should you compensate me?"

Qin Yise thought that she really owed him a lot of debt, and was worried that she didn't know how to pay it back.

So, she nodded generously and said, "Okay, what do you want to eat? I'll let the kitchen prepare the ingredients."


Rong Jin Beiyi spat out a single word in shock.

Qin Yise rolled his eyes at him, and subconsciously wanted to be wrong.

The two walked into the living room side by side. The lights in the room were bright and bright. Back in the familiar environment, Qin Yise couldn't help but relax because she was exhausted.

She raised her feet and walked towards the kitchen, but was pulled into his arms by the man behind him, and before he could lower his head, Xun Lei blocked her lips domineeringly.

Qin Yise kept leaning back. During the interval of breathing, she pushed his chest with both hands, and asked with difficulty: "Aren't you hungry? I'll go to the kitchen and get you something to eat."

"I want to eat you now, satisfy my greed!" Rong Jinbei said with his lips in his mouth, with an arrogant tone, he picked her up and walked upstairs.

"I haven't showered yet, let me go!"

"I don't even dislike the wild masculinity in you, but you dare not have a long memory and reject me again and again."

Rong Jinbei snorted coldly, with jealousy in his tone, he covered her lips again, and kissed her as he walked.

After the two-person battle, the intense process was unbearable!

The room is full of joy!The smell of love, Qin Yise exhaled, forced her sore body to open the window for ventilation, and then went to the bathroom to take a shower.

When she came out wrapped in a bath towel, she saw a ready-made supper on the bedside table, and kindly reminded her: "Young master, hurry up and eat something, it's late, otherwise your stomach will not digest and you will easily get sick."

Rong Jinbei glanced at her lightly, and replied lightly: "Dry mouth, no appetite!"

"Then I'll go get you some water."

Qin Yise wiped her hair, then turned to fetch water for him with the cup in hand.

Unexpectedly, Rong Jinbei's eyes flickered slightly, he curled his lips viciously, and said, "I want to drink milk, fresh."

Qin Yise's face immediately turned crimson, and she cursed angrily, "Stinky rascal, you've found the wrong person!"

"Aren't you responsible for everything in the company before? You should be familiar with the road at home."

"I'm not your secretary now, let alone your nanny"

Before Qin Yise could finish her sentence, she was interrupted by the displeased man. He snorted coldly with disgust, "I know, but I want to drink yours. I heard that if you drink more, you will have it."

Qin Yise hadn't caught her breath when she came back, she had been entangled with him for a long time, and now she was being teased unscrupulously, which made her even angrier, "Whether you like to eat or not, it's your own body that suffers when you're hungry, I won't serve you anymore!"

She put down the cup in her hand, took her pajamas, and turned to the bathroom to change.

Rong Jinbei's dark eyes were like a bottomless well, he stared at the frosted glass door of the bathroom, his Adam's apple rolled.

Annoyed, he took out the cigarette case and lit one, took a few puffs between his lips, and the tip of his tongue became even more bitter.

He stubbed out the cigarette butt, Qin Yise applied a mask, changed her clothes and came out, ignored him, lifted the quilt, and fell asleep.

"You cruel woman, you can still sleep, don't you know how to love me for a second?"

Rong Jin Beijun's face was dark and heavy, he stared at her closely, his tone was somewhat resentful.

(End of this chapter)

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