you are the love of my life

Chapter 347 Qin Yise's condition worsens

Chapter 347 Qin Yise's condition worsens
Xu Kexin jumped anxiously, "How can you be so indifferent, now we are grasshoppers on the same rope, I'm done playing, don't expect to get any more benefits!"

Seeing her anxious appearance, the man softened his voice, and pulled the woman in front of him into his arms, "Okay, it's useless to worry about it now, you find a way to get Qin Zhentian's eldest daughter back, and the rest I'll figure it out."

Xu Kexin was dubious: "Really? Can you have a way to get that bitch Qin Yise to take out the money? Anyway, she is now with Rong Jinbei, maybe one day she will be the young mistress, who can't spend enough money to eat her to death." , we will have inexhaustible wealth!"

"Hehe, it's not that easy, go and call the eldest lady."

Xu Kexin smiled smugly and complained a few words, but she was still obedient, twisting the waist of the water snake and getting up to make a phone call.

She is in her thirties, well maintained and in good shape, no man can hold her back!
Qin Zhen was obsessed with the sky, and the housekeeper beside him also coveted his wife, which is not surprising.

A fox with a dog will last forever! -
Qin Yise's nosebleed symptoms didn't get better, but it became more and more serious.

Rong Jinbei was busy with work, so he couldn't take it lightly for a moment, so he had to tell the servant to keep an eye on her.

He even mobilized all the servants in his castle to the Qin family's villa.

"My God, Miss Qin, you have a fever, please call the doctor!"

Mrs. Chen walked in from the outside, holding breakfast and a glass of milk in her hand.

Seeing that it was past nine o'clock and Qin Yise was still in a coma, she couldn't help reaching out and touching her forehead, she was startled by the hot temperature.

"Miss Qin, you are really good. You know your health is not good, but you still run around and work hard. At such a young age, you have dragged your body down. It is you who suffer, but it is the young master who loves you."

Qin Yise lay on the bed, opened her eyes weakly, her eyes were dull, forced a smile, and said bluntly: "No wonder I said why I was so dizzy, it turned out to be a fever, don't worry, Chen Sou , I have nine lives, and every time I survive a catastrophe, God is reluctant to let me die so early!"

"It's about time, and I'm still in a poor mood."

Mrs. Chen stood by the bed, looking at her helplessly.

She watched the young master grow up. Except for the old lady, she has never seen him care so much about any woman.


Qin Yise's throat was dry and itchy, and she couldn't help coughing violently after talking too much.

Mrs. Chen quickly helped her up, patted her on the back lightly, and comforted her: "If you have a cough like this, you should go to the hospital for a checkup. Minor illnesses can lead to serious ones, so don't be negligent."

"Didn't the doctor come? Let him prescribe some medicine, I want to rest." Qin Yise said weakly, "Don't worry, I'm fine, really, just sleep and I'll be fine..."

She seemed to be very tired. With this appearance, she didn't look like she was fine. Mrs. Chen's eyes were full of worry.

"Then you have a good rest. I'll ask the doctor to come up and take your temperature. If you feel uncomfortable, you must tell me, okay?"

"Yes, I see." Qin Yise nodded feebly.

Mrs. Chen walked out with a solemn expression. The moment the bedroom door closed, Qin Yise's face instantly collapsed, her face was ashen.

Her current symptoms are exactly the same as those when she became ill when she was a child.

Qin Yise stared blankly into the distance, suffering from this disease, if she wants to live, she is doomed to owe others a lot.

(End of this chapter)

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