Chapter 351
"Miss Gu wants to chat, go to a psychiatrist, and stop disturbing my woman, she is not feeling well, and has no energy to waste her life here with you!"

Rong Jinbei glared at Gu Xiyuan impolitely, walked over domineeringly, and wrapped Qin Yise with his long arms.

He looked like someone had taken away his beloved toy, and he was extremely possessive.

"Yi Se and I are classmates, we got to know each other for a while, how can Rong Shao be so selfish?!"

Gu Xiyuan clenched her lips, a little aggrieved.

"Who knows what's on your mind? Keep a distance from me, don't get too close to her! Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude." Rong Jinbei said coldly, there was no expression on his handsome face, and the protective appearance was simply shocking. crazy.

"Okay, each of you can say a word less, we have made an appointment with the doctor, so excuse me first."

Qin Yise dragged away the man who had knocked over the jar of jealousy in embarrassment, and kept turning her head to apologize to Gu Xiyuan.

Rong Jinbei never gets jealous easily, sourness is like old vinegar, killing people!
"Don't flirt with each other in the future, do you hear me!" He said in a low voice, his tone was always domineering and commanding.

"Women can't do it? Don't I even have the right to make friends?"

Qin Yise glared at him, three parts aggrieved and seven parts complaining.

President Rongda hugged her even more tightly: "I feel uncomfortable when I see you standing with those bone spirits."

Especially these women with ulterior motives made him feel very terrified!
Gu Xiyuan stood where she was, Rong Jinbei's words clearly drifted into her ears.

She clenched her fists tightly and smashed the sunglasses in her hand to the ground, her pretty face was blue with anger.

When did the dignified No.1 Yuan of City C, Miss Gu, suffer such humiliation?
After Qin Yise drew blood, the nurse showed her the results of the last examination, "Miss Qin, here is your examination report."

"Thank you."

Qin Yise looked through it, her face changed slightly, because the above indicators were close to normal values, but her condition suddenly deteriorated.

No wonder she always felt that she was fine, and the two examinations were normal, so she was lucky.

Now it seems that someone tampered with her inspection report!
"what happened?"

Rong Jinbei took a look at the checklist in her hand.

Qin Yise shook her head in doubt, and replied uncertainly: "I don't understand either, I'd better ask the doctor."

"Wait, there is something wrong with these results!"

"You think so too?" Qin Yise raised her eyebrows in surprise.

Rong Jinbei pointed to the inspection sheets lightly, "Everything looks normal, very close to the standard value, but the more it is like this, the more it proves that there is a ghost."

"Who wants to harm me?" Qin Yise broke into a cold sweat.

The other party deliberately asked them to relax their vigilance. When the disease occurred, they missed the best treatment period, and the danger index increased by more than half!

This is simply trying to kill her.

5 minutes later, in Dr. Meyer's office!

With a cold face, Rong Jin asked the man in a white coat in front of him: "The nurse here is negligent and doesn't even know that the checklist has been tampered with? Are you sure it's not a ghost and someone bribed you? Or is it you?" Are you covering up the murderer?"

Meier shrugged his shoulders and sighed: "Master Rong, I am wronged! I am so busy every day, how can I have time to focus on these trivial matters, even if the treatment is carried out a month in advance, Miss Qin's physical condition cannot be delayed any longer. We must find a suitable bone marrow, otherwise even the gods will not be able to save her!"

(End of this chapter)

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