you are the love of my life

Chapter 361 Don't be too happy

Chapter 361 Don't be too happy
Fortunately, there are Qiao's family, and the mayor's brother. These two trump cards are used as backers, and they are torn apart. I don't believe that the Rong family will get any benefit?

Qiao Man dialed the number she knew by heart, and Ling Tuo answered the call. The familiar voice was modest and polite: "Mr. Rong is in a meeting. May I ask why Miss Qiao is looking for our young master?"

Qiao Man said unhurriedly: "Please tell him, if you don't want my brother to know the truth of the matter, take time to see me."

Ling Tuo was about to refuse, but in the next second, someone snatched his phone away. Rong Jinbei stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window with an indifferent expression, one hand on his hip, holding the phone and said calmly: "Don't bother, I want to see me, within 10 minutes I only have half an hour to spare when I arrive at Rong's top floor!"

"Brother Jin Bei? In such a rush, I can't fly even if I have wings." Qiao Man said with a smile.

He finally couldn't sit still!
"Then don't talk about it." The man made a gesture to hang up the phone.

Qiao Man hastily compromised: "Don't, I'm here. You should allow some time. When you were with Qin Yise, were you also in such a hurry?"

"It's not good for you to ask so much!"

Rong Jinbei responded indifferently, and then hung up the phone straightforwardly, unwilling to have a word with her.

Qiao Man was used to his attitude, she got up without any haste, put on makeup, changed her clothes, and did a delicate hairstyle.

The thinner figure looks super skinny and beautiful.

In particular, the hemispherical white groove deliberately squeezed out on the chest makes people feel blood spurting at a glance.

She was radiant and ruddy, she didn't look like she had been spoiled to the point of being out of shape!

When she walked into the Rong Group, Qiao Man was in a good mood and greeted everyone with a smile on her face.

When the elevator reached the top floor, as soon as she walked out, almost everyone looked at her with strange eyes.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but the eyes of these people are completely different from those who usually flatter her, but look surprised and contemptuous.

Some bold new female employees even began to whisper directly behind her: "Isn't this the heroine who played live on the Internet?"

"Yeah, why does she have the face to come to the president!"

"I heard that she is a rich lady, but I don't know if it's true or not. Anyway, our president has a girlfriend, so we won't even look at this kind of internet celebrity anchor."

"That's right, anyone can be an Internet celebrity now, there are as many as pheasants, and no one wants to post back."

"." Qiao Man gritted her teeth and clenched her fist.

What live broadcast, why doesn't she know?
I clicked on the phone, searched for the keywords in their mouths, and found an anonymous video. The content was a small video of Gu Xiaosheng tying her to the sofa, wearing only three-point underwear, and being humiliated.

In just 2 minutes, it has already set off such a big heat on the Internet.

Besides, this is just an appetizer.

Qiao Man's face changed drastically, and she quickly turned off her phone. If the following video is exposed, neither the Qiao family nor her brother can save her!
She froze in place all of a sudden.

How terrible the public opinion is, she has seen with her own eyes, those friends who are in the entertainment industry, all suffer from depression.

"Hey, isn't that Ms. Qiao? I heard that she has become an Internet celebrity recently. The live broadcast just released is really popular. In just a few hours, the number of hits exceeded one million." The person in the secretary's room stretched his neck and looked at She discussed one after another.

"Isn't she quite rich? How could she record such a scandalous video to gain attention?"

"Who knows, I guess I want to be famous, I'm crazy!"

The confidence that Qiao Man had just regained was instantly shattered. Her legs were a little weak, and her eyes turned black.

(End of this chapter)

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