Chapter 396
Qin Yise frowned and explained, "If you have been in love a few times before you get married, and went to nightclubs, and they are all called sluts, I am afraid that if you want to marry a pure and pure woman as your wife, you will have to Go to kindergarten and make a reservation!"

"Nonsense! Qin Yise, you think everyone is as filthy as you, and you dare to insult the flowers of the motherland just to clear yourself up."

Seeing her desperately defending himself, Qin Ziqing interrupted her with a stride.

Qin Yise smiled harmlessly: "Oh? My sister drank too much foreign ink abroad, do you still remember how to write the four characters of courtesy, righteousness, integrity and shame? Then do you dare to swear in front of everyone that you are still a virgin? "

Qin Ziqing's face turned green for a while, then turned red for a while, and then he was pale and stunned: "I..."

Seeing her choking, Qin Yise glanced at her lightly, then looked away, and smiled sneeringly, "It's none of your business, don't get involved, don't steal chickens and lose money."

Qin Ziqing gritted his teeth and clenched his hands tightly, but there was nothing he could do.

"Qin Yise, why are you talking to your sister like this? You are really ungrateful! You have no education at all."

The people around couldn't stand it anymore, their sense of morality was overwhelming, and the voices had been talking for less than a few minutes. The tall and tall man who looked like a god's mansion scanned the surroundings with piercing eyes!

He raised his legs casually, his aura was so strong that no one could ignore him, he stepped up the arched round platform with a straight figure, and came to Qin Yise's side step by step.

It is clearly a short-cut and domineering wife-loving model, especially the business suit that is casually matched, without even a tie, directly stuffed in the chest pocket, and the shiny black leather shoes are directly in everyone's sight.

Qin Yise's heart, which was in turmoil, seemed to find a landing point in an instant, and gradually stabilized.

She looked at the majestic Rong Jinbei and the rose petals blown up by the wind in the air, just like the scene described in the movie, the unrivaled hero came towards her on colorful auspicious clouds, and rescued her once again in a critical moment!
Especially Rong Jinbei's soft and magnetic voice, with a hint of hoarseness and sexy, "Since everyone likes to watch the excitement so much, I'll let you watch as much as you want, how about it?"

Qin Yise's delicate face was quiet and beautiful, quietly enjoying the protective umbrella that Rong Jinbei put up for her.

Standing side by side like this, they instantly stole the limelight from the bride and groom.

It seems that in this wedding, the two of them should be the protagonists by nature.

Qin Yise took his hand lightly, squeezed it hard, and was about to persuade him, when the man's voice, as gentle as a glass of sweet red wine, sounded above her head:
"I said, I won't let you be wronged again, you don't have to worry about anything, just watch the show in peace."

Qin Yise had no choice but to give up, and nodded meekly, "Okay, save some face for others, don't be too extreme."

Rong Jinbei smiled without saying a word, reached out and pinched her nose, "Little housekeeper, just leave the rest to me, you rest."

Qin Yise smiled leisurely, her bright eyes were crystal clear, "Okay."

Qiao Man clenched her fists, watching their sweet interaction, her face was ashen!
Mr. Qiao's face became more and more ugly, but he didn't intend to stop it. Manman, a girl, was so arrogant that she would never have a long memory if she didn't fall hard!

Teach her a lesson, too.

Rong Jinbei strolled to the side of the frightened bride, and looked at the groom beside her with a smile that was not a smile. His thin lips were slightly raised, and the cold curve of the corner of his mouth made people shudder.

(End of this chapter)

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