Chapter 399
The next day.

When the staff in the secretary's office saw the overwhelming news on the Internet, all of which were reporting on Qiao Man's wedding, their jaws dropped in shock.

"My God, how is this possible!"

The team leader glanced at the fussing subordinates indifferently, and said indifferently: "You are still against Qin Yise everywhere, hugged Miss Qiao's thigh, and now you are slapped in the face?"

Everyone was silent, but they whispered in their hearts: Team leader, you are not the same yourself.

After sighing for a while, one of the secretaries who had just arrived said sourly: "Women, what's the use of being reincarnated, you still have to marry a good husband to be considered a real talent."

It is said that marriage is the second reincarnation of a woman, which is absolutely true!

Qin Yise woke up in the morning and immediately took a shower.

Rong Jinbei sat on the sofa, watching the news casually.

After a quick glance, it was all about what happened at the Qiao family's wedding!

Several families became so popular in an instant, but Rong's stock took advantage of the trend to rise, making up all the previous losses.

Behind him, the bathroom door was opened. Qin Yise walked towards this side while wiping her hair, a smile appeared on her face, and when she approached the sofa, she threw away the towel in her hand and wrapped her arms around the man's neck.

"Are you tired?" Rong Jinbei rolled his thin lips lightly, and gently kissed her on the arm.

Qin Yise nodded truthfully, "A little bit, the news is full of scandals about the Qiao family, will this have any impact on us?"

Rong Jinbei's slender fingers slid slowly on the back of her smooth hand, exuding a lazy and noble elegance.

"What impact can it have? Isn't it good to advertise for free and increase popularity?"

Qin Yise raised her eyebrows when she heard the words, "You are so bad, you obviously want to achieve your goals and use any means, but you still pretend to be an honest gentleman!"

"You don't like it?" Rong Jinbei said, pulling her body over and wrapping her in his arms.

He took her hand, put it in his palm, and frowned fiercely, "What's the matter, is your hand so cold, is it cold? Or is the temperature of the air conditioner too low?"

The man anxiously tried the temperature on her forehead, but there was no fever, "Is there any discomfort? No, go to the hospital immediately for a check-up, so that I can rest assured."

Qin Yise shook her head, "Don't make a fuss, I don't feel any discomfort, but my hands and feet are a little cold, it seems to be like this all the time after the operation."

Rong Jinbei quickly ordered the cook: "Stew more nourishing soup, three meals a day must not be missed!"

"Yes, Shao Rong."

On a rare weekend, the two had a quiet breakfast without a single harassing phone call.

With such a commotion, even Rong Zhanting opened and closed his eyes, it seemed that this was just the calm before the storm.

During the afternoon nap, Qin Yise woke up painfully from her deep sleep.

The sudden convulsions made her sweat profusely, and the pain spread throughout her limbs.

She gritted her teeth, wanted to cry, wanted to shout, but couldn't make a sound.

Something seemed to be stuck in her throat, as if her neck was tightened by hands, and it was difficult to even breathe.

"Rong Jinbei, help..." Qin Yise closed her eyes tightly, scratched the air with her hands indiscriminately, and said a few words with difficulty, "I'm so uncomfortable..."

Hearing the whimpering, the man next to him sat up in shock, propped his elbows and saw Qin Yise breathing with difficulty with his lips parted, his fair face dripping with sweat.

"What's wrong, what's wrong?"

(End of this chapter)

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