Chapter 401
"Almost, long-term pain is worse than short-term pain!"

Dr. Meyer nodded and spoke calmly, as if he was talking about something very easy.

The anger on Rong Jinbei's face was still there, and Meier added: "Don't worry, Ms. Qin will definitely give birth to a son and a half for you. Let her rest well. I asked the nurse to give her an injection. Some sleeping pill ingredients..."

In the middle of speaking, Meier suddenly remembered something, and looked up at Rong Jinbei in astonishment: "If she is very sensitive to pain, she might leave a psychological shadow."

Rong Jinbei's face darkened again, "Can't you speak human words?"

"Ci'ao, what I said is so simple and clear, you still find fault, hurry up and take the women back to make people, the more you make, the greater the chance of being rescued!"


After one night, Qin Yise felt much less uncomfortable.

The next day, the Rong Group.

In the CEO's office, Rong Jinbei spread out the documents in front of him, flipping through them at a glance.

Ling Tuo walked in and explained respectfully: "Young master, the test results came out. There is indeed something wrong with that glass of wine. Someone tampered with it. Miss Qin only touched the rim of the glass, so there is no sign of poisoning."

"It's just a light touch, and it's such a big reaction. If I drink the whole cup, it will kill her? Have you found out who did it?" Rong Jinbei curled his lips coldly.

Ling Tuo replied uncertainly: "It seems to be Qin Ziqing. She asked the waiter to give it to Qin Yise, but the cup was also poisonous. The surveillance only saw her pouring medicine into the wine. She accuses Miss Qiao Man of letting her drink it." Do that!"

Rong Jinbei paused at the tip of his pen, stopped signing, and parted his thin lips in a cold arc, smiling contemptuously and dangerously, "These women... are really impatient! I don't move them, but they repeatedly Sanfan took the initiative to pick things up, call the police, they know what to do."

"Yes, master, but Miss Qiao has gone abroad."

"Then the world is wanted! Only by throwing her in the safest place can I rest easy."

"it is good!"

Ling Tuo went out and saw Qiao Nansheng coming out of the elevator and walking quickly towards him.

Ling Tuo nodded respectfully, made a gesture, and then passed by.

Qiao Nansheng pushed the door straight in, and the voice came first before anyone arrived: "Jin Bei, I heard that you are investigating the poisoning matter. No matter who did it, if it spreads, it must have something to do with our Qiao family."

"Don't you think you should bear the main responsibility?" Rong Jinbei played with the Montblanc pen in his hand, and said indifferently, "I will not let anyone who participated in it go!"

"But Manman has gone abroad, and I'm also suspended with pay. If you continue to investigate, more problems will be involved. At that time, the situation may not be beneficial to you and me. Grandpa means that you should stop in moderation. Stop it! "

"I can't control that much. The most poisonous woman's heart, what they want is my woman's life! No matter how extensive the involvement is, I will investigate it thoroughly and tear the poisoned person into ten thousand pieces."

Upon hearing this, Qiao Nansheng pursed her thin lips tightly, staring at the angry expression of the man in front of her, sighed and asked softly:

"Does it have to be like this? For a woman, I don't care about anything. I'm on your side. You have to give up even your brother?"

Rong Jinbei glanced at Qiao Nansheng lightly with cold eyes, and said without any emotion: "Where is there so much nonsense, you poked the basket yourself, and figured out a way to solve it yourself. You can't do this crap well, so why talk about it later!"

Gritting her teeth, Qiao Nansheng was so angry that she slapped the table hard, turned her head and left.

Seeing a man who forgets his friends because of his sex, he is mistaken.

(End of this chapter)

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