you are the love of my life

Chapter 405 Even a Proud Man Bows His Head Sometimes

Chapter 405 Even a Proud Man Bows His Head Sometimes

Qin Yise pinched his muscles as hard as iron, "You act like a bandit!"

"Then you are my Mrs. Yazhai." Rong Jinbei said frivolously.

"Bastard!! You... want to give birth to a son and give birth to yourself, who is going to be with you." Qin Yise trembled violently like an electric shock.

"How dare you speak harshly!" Rong Jinbei said in a low voice, breathing hot air into her ear ambiguously.

Qin Yise originally planned to pretend to pass out and get away with it, but now she was turned over several times like a salted fish.

She screamed in displeasure: "Rong Jinbei, you agreed not to touch me again! You liar!"

The man smiled proudly, "It was you who reminded me that the way of bandits should be more violent, so that the son can be created faster."

"Bah! Who wants to have a son with you..."

Qin Yise finally realized what it means to lift a rock and shoot herself in the foot!

She hasn't fully recovered yet, and now it's like falling apart, and no part is her own.

She repented and decided not to provoke him again.

At this time, Gu's office building.

In the chairman's office, Gu Boyan was sitting on the executive chair, reading a newspaper carefully in his hand.

"A wealthy family marries a daughter, the wedding becomes a joke, and the relationship behind the Qiao family has been thoroughly investigated by the central team."

Mr. Qiao was suspended from his job, and Qiao Nansheng also avoided seeing anyone. The photos flying all over the sky were all about the scandal of Qiao's family.

For Gu Boyan, this news is undoubtedly a huge benefit.

He only needs to sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight, and he can see that his opponent is completely defeated and exits in embarrassment!
On this day, he waited for a long time.

It is definitely his loss that Rong Jinbei did not marry his daughter, but chose that down-and-out orphan girl.

Gu Boyan squeezed the newspaper and smiled coldly, the corners of his mouth were curved in a gloomy and terrifying way.

Gu Xiyuan's vacation is over, and she is going back to the United States to continue her studies, so she comes to say goodbye to her father.

Because she didn't have the habit of knocking on the door, the secretary saw that she was the chairman's daughter, and she didn't even notify her!

Gu Xiyuan just pushed the door open a crack, and when she saw her father laughing wildly, that kind of ambitious expression made her both strange and scared.
She paused at the door, a few meters away, looking at her father's vigorous smile, she was stunned for several seconds with the hand holding the doorknob, and finally did not go in.

She felt that such a father was very strange, not the kind father in her impression.

Gu Xiyuan gently closed the door, turned and left without leaving a word, coming gently, just as she walked gently.

When he just stepped out of Gu's, he met a familiar figure walking towards him.

The man was wearing a baseball cap, and pulled her into the car without saying a word.

The door of the car was closed, and it drove to a secluded place before slowly stopping.

Gu Xiyuan turned her eyes, stared fiercely at Qiao Nansheng who was bewildered beside her, and said angrily: "Why are you crazy, let me go quickly, I don't have time to play such silly tricks with you now!"

Qiao Nansheng's eyes were red, and he held the steering wheel tightly with his big hands. He turned to look at her: "Don't you have time to talk to me? I'm upset now, and I have a lot of bitterness, but I don't know who to talk to."

Gu Xiyuan was stunned!
She had never seen Qiao Nansheng speak to anyone in such a humble tone.

He seemed to be under a lot of pressure to let such a proud man lower his noble head.

(End of this chapter)

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