you are the love of my life

Chapter 407 No shortage of temptation

Chapter 407 No shortage of temptation
Unless that person is Rong Jinbei, she didn't take it to heart before, but now she regrets it, but it's beyond her reach!

Thinking of this, Gu Xiyuan laughed ironically.

In the past, she disdained the girls in the school the most. She was madly infatuated with Rong Jinbei. She exaggerated and made this man look like a fairy tale.

But I didn't expect that in the end, I saw him with my own eyes, and I fell hopelessly...

Especially when the elders intended to marry the two families, she was so stupid that she desperately wanted to study abroad to avoid the marriage.

Now that it is too late to regret, who can I blame?
Gu Xiyuan looked at Qiao Nansheng, and said coldly: "If you come today, if you just talk to me about these things, then I advise you to give up, it's impossible between us!"

Holding the door lock with her fingers, she stubbornly twisted the unlocking mechanism twice.

Qiao Nansheng suddenly leaned over, grasped her shoulders, and trapped her whole body between his chest and the seat.

"Listen, Xiyuan, listen to me, I like you, no one loves you more than me, for you, I am willing to do anything, even if I lose everything!"

Gu Xiyuan's heart sank suddenly, her red lips trembled slightly, she slowly turned her gaze, and looked at him in astonishment: "What did you say?"

Willing to do anything for her?


Qiao Nansheng grabbed her arm tightly, as if she was afraid that she would escape, and repeated word by word, "Whether you like me or not, I will always be the same to you, willing to take over your life, take care of you, love you, and protect you!"

"What if I don't want to?"

Gu Xiyuan smiled sarcastically, and looked at him with some probing eyes: "Nan Sheng, even if you are not joking with me, the gap between us is beyond your reach. I am the daughter of the Gu family. Do you understand what kind of responsibility is on your shoulders?"

"I will let you sit firmly in the position of the mayor's wife, and let the Gu family's glorious road have no obstacles. If this is not enough, you can say what you want? As long as you want, even the moon in the sky, I will I will spare no effort to pick it off to satisfy you, Xiyuan, I like you, and I must have you in this life!"

Gu Xiyuan's resisting action immediately quieted down. She hesitated for a few seconds, her eyes gradually became contemplative, and finally returned to her original indifference.

Pushing Qiao Nansheng away with both hands, her sneering laughter overflowed from her pink lips: "Brother Qiao, it's not appropriate to make such a joke between you and me. I can pretend that I have never heard of it, and you should never say it again." I won't think about it."

Qiao Nansheng was not reconciled, and fixed her body firmly with both hands, but he was never willing to use force on the woman in his arms, let alone force her to do anything beyond.

Gu Xiyuan easily broke free from his restraint, and quickly opened the distance between the two, "You know, I have someone I like, why are you still obsessed with me? If I said, I want to marry Rong Jin You can be willing to help me if you are a husband and wife for a day? Do you still accept me?"

She doesn't believe it!

What the man said was nice, but it was just sweet talk to make people happy!
The corner of Qiao Nansheng's mouth twitched, as if he couldn't believe it, and he didn't speak for a while.

Gu Xiyuan just said casually, looking down at her wrinkled clothes, she seemed to have expected it a long time ago, and said with a light smile:
"Nan Sheng, you have never been short of temptations around you. What kind of woman do you want? Let's maintain the relationship as before."

(End of this chapter)

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