you are the love of my life

Chapter 409 If the pregnant person is her....

Chapter 409 If the pregnant person is her.
"No, but it needs to be considered in the long run. Don't make your own claims and damage my image. If you don't want to help, it's too late to regret it now..."

"I will not regret it in this life!"

Qiao Nansheng quickly replied with four more words.

His current rationality is only enough to keep calm, his fingers are holding the phone tightly, and there is even a thin layer of sweat on his forehead. I don't know if he is nervous or happy.

Gu Xiyuan put away her mobile phone, and lightly told the servant standing aside: "Move all your luggage back, the flight is cancelled, I plan to stay in the country, and stay by my father's side to be a filial piety!"

"Hey, miss, I'll report to the master right now."

After the servant finished speaking, he quickly called Gu Boyan to report.

Gu Xiyuan let out a breath, making this decision impulsively, almost without any thought.

Now that I calm down, I realize how fast my heart is beating.

Qiao Nansheng couldn't wait to let Gu Xiyuan realize her teenage dream, and then quickly fell into his arms.

If it was another man, he might respond.

But Xiyuan fell in love with Rong Jinbei, so he could be wronged a bit, and he nodded without being too awkward!
He immediately opened the car door with a smile on his face, and took the elevator to the top floor, the CEO's office.

Rong Jinbei was examining and approving the documents, but he broke in without knocking on the door, and asked with a smile on his face, "Jin Bei, I would like to invite you and Miss Qin to dinner tomorrow, do you want to give me face?"

Rong Jinbei's flamboyant movements paused, raised his eyes slightly, and glanced strangely at Qiao Nansheng who was full of complacency: "You've been taking stimulants, it's windy and rainy for a while, it's quite abnormal!"

"Why do I eat that thing when I have nothing to do?" Qiao Nansheng bent his lips and hummed a little song in a happy mood.

There was a flash of inspiration in his head, and an idea suddenly came to his mind, he paused, and immediately changed the subject: "What does Qin Yise like to eat, do you have any favorite food, let me tell you about it?"

"What do you want to do!" Rong Jinbei asked, staring at him vigilantly.

There is nothing to be courteous, and it is either a traitor or a thief.

"Don't get me wrong, I just want to bribe Miss Qin. As the saying goes, to grab a woman's heart, you must first grab her stomach."

"You don't need to grab her heart, but we are creating people recently. You just need to prepare more recipes that are good for conception. Don't worry about anything else. If you hit a hit, you will be rewarded!" Rong Jinbei waved his hand generously Said.

"So you agreed?" Qiao Nansheng was surprised.

Although he wasn't surprised that Rong Jinbei made such a decision, it was normal for a family like theirs to have a child, but he didn't expect him to identify with Qin Yise so quickly.

What is the charm of that woman!
But he was lucky that he didn't grab Gu Xiyuan from him.

Why do you care so much!

Seeing his nervous appearance, Rong Jinbei curled his lower lip: "We have been friends for so many years, I still lie to you?"

"See you tomorrow, Tai'an Restaurant, I'll be the host, I wish you and Qin Yise have a son soon."


Qiao Nansheng came out of the Rong family with a good look, he didn't expect that life's ups and downs would change so quickly.

He called Gu Xiyuan and reported his progress: "Tomorrow night, I will have dinner with Jin Bei and Qin Yise, and I will do everything I promised you, but don't break your promise, remember to treat me promise."

"Understood, as long as you help me climb into Rong Shao's bed tomorrow night and be his one-night bride, I will date you."

Gu Xiyuan's desire for that man has never been so strong.

She wants to try what it feels like to be the most dazzling man's woman.

As long as she can get pregnant, the relationship between the two families will be immeasurable!

(End of this chapter)

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