you are the love of my life

Chapter 415 Derailed 5 Minutes

Chapter 415 Derailed 5 Minutes

After the waiter finished speaking, he hurriedly picked up the milk cup and cleaned it, then immediately put it back on the dining car, and quickly exited the presidential suite.

Gu Xiyuan couldn't wait any longer. Seeing Qiao Nansheng hang up the phone, she immediately asked, "What's going on, is everything done?"

The man looked at her with complicated eyes: "You have really thought about it. If Jin Bei is unwilling to take responsibility after tonight, will you agree to my pursuit?"

Gu Xiyuan looked away in embarrassment, looking at the half-closed door, her heart beat faster: "Of course, what I promised you, when will I go back on it?"

Qiao Nansheng laughed at himself and led her into Rong Jinbei's room without saying anything!

Qin Yise fainted on the carpet, still wearing a nightgown from the hotel, the man leaned over to hug her, frowned, and a look of worry flashed in his eyes.

"Nan Sheng, I leave everything to you." Gu Xiyuan said nervously.

As long as this matter is done, if she becomes pregnant, Rong Jinbei will definitely marry her under pressure.

Qiao Nansheng nodded expressionlessly, "Don't worry, I know."

He carried Qin Yise to another room, called the servants of the Qin family to pick her up, while he sat on the sofa and smoked a whole night without sleep until his tongue became numb.

In addition to bitterness in the mouth, there is no taste at all!

For the woman who doesn't love him, he plotted against his brother.

Since he was a child, he had the determination to win Gu Xiyuan.

Don't underestimate a man's perseverance and patience, especially a man who is crazy about love, when he wants to get a woman, he can do anything!
Let him burn the boat, regardless of the consequences...

If you don't go crazy when you are young, you will only leave a lifetime of regrets when you get old.

As for the brotherhood, his brilliance will always be covered by Rong Jinbei, people will only see his excellence, but not his behind-the-scenes devotion.

As long as Xiyuan agrees to his pursuit, he can give up his officialdom, fame and fortune, and immigrate with her abroad.

The cigarette butt at Qiao Nansheng's fingertips flickered on and off, looking at the TV closet across the wall, his eyes shone with determination.

Jin Bei, don't blame me, I'm also fighting for my own happiness! ——
Gu Xiyuan looked at the man with closed eyes on the bed, her heart beat rapidly, her face was flushed, and she even forgot to breathe for a moment.

Because even in a state of drunkenness, Rong Jinbei's carved facial features are still beautiful and handsome, like a god.

His sharp eyes under his sword eyebrows were tightly closed at the moment, and there was a stimulating drug in the wine. As long as she seduced her a little, he would definitely not be able to keep it, and would fight back fiercely.

Rong Jinbei has a good capacity for alcohol, but the effect of the medicine in his body is slowly taking effect, and he gradually feels a little dry and hot.


The deep voice, with a hoarse voice that has not woken up, is extremely sexy.

When Gu Xiyuan heard the movement, she quickly picked up the cold boiled water on the bedside and quickly put a white pill in it. After it dissolved immediately, she helped Rong Jinbei up with great effort, and then handed the cup to his lips.

While feeding, while thinking about the next thing, she wanted to help him relieve, Gu Xiyuan was very nervous.

The man's warm breath rushed towards her face, making her heart tremble even more provocatively!

I have never been so nervous for the first time, Gu Xiyuan closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and murmured affectionately: "Rong Jinbei, I like you, you belong to me, now I just get what I deserve That's all..."

(End of this chapter)

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