you are the love of my life

Chapter 418 Are You Worthy To Call My Name?

Chapter 418 Are You Worthy To Call My Name?

Just now she was gentle and caring, but the next second she was as cold as ice and unreasonable.

Gu Xiyuan's body stiffened, and she lay in his arms in a daze
Did she do something wrong that made him angry?
Seeing that Rong Jinbei's face was sullen, there was a sign that a storm was about to come. Before he got angry, she boldly wanted to ease the atmosphere and took the initiative to perform.

"Well...Jin Bei...he..."

She didn't know that her identity had been exposed, and she screamed regardless of her image, which only made the man feel more disgusted.

The sharp chin was still a little sore due to excessive force, but it was pinched by Rong Jinbei's big hands like iron tongs!
The man had a ferocious face and a fierce look, wishing he could crush her bones.

Gu Xiyuan opened her mouth and couldn't help crying out in pain.
Rong Jinbei touched her back just now, it was smooth without any scars!
Qin Yise has just had an operation recently, and he knows a few wounds on his body, he knows it like the back of his hand, he can't find any flaws like such a perfect porcelain doll.

Realizing that something was wrong, the charming impulses in his mind disappeared in an instant, and he stretched out his hand suddenly and threw Gu Xiyuan to the ground.

Rong Jinbei patted on the floor lamp by the bed, took a few pieces of paper from the table expressionlessly, and frowned.

If it wasn't for the sliver of reason left, he would have really regarded her as Qin Yise just now.

She does have the capital to drive any man crazy.

As long as you touch it, there is no denying her beauty!
However, she is not Qin Yise.

No matter how good, he doesn't want it.

Gu Xiyuan was unprepared, she was thrown from the bed by Rong Jinbei to the floor, her head hit the sharp cabinet, she almost fainted.

"Jin Bei, what's wrong with you..."

She endured the dizzy pain, tears rolled in her eyes, her body was almost trembling, and she asked aggrievedly.

"Don't call me by my name, disgusting!"

Rong Jinbei stood on the bed, stood against the light, followed the light, and looked at the woman on the ground.

The originally dark space instantly turned into a warm color system, and the orange light carried a quiet atmosphere.

Look around again, there is no shadow of Qin Yise!
Very good, one by one united to count him.

The man's face was instantly covered with dark clouds, gloomy and terrifying.

He got off the bed, put on his suit, and his limbs were weak. The wine was really not ordinary.

Stumbled into the bathroom, locked the door, and there was the sound of splashing water in an instant.

Qin Yise's clothes were still in the basket. She took a bath, where did she go?

After nearly half an hour, Rong Jinbei walked out of the bathroom with a towel around his waist.

He took a long cold shower, his whole body exuded a chill, he didn't even look at the woman on the ground, he picked up his phone and went straight to the floor-to-ceiling window, and kept dialing the number he knew by heart.

But no one answered!
He put away his mobile phone, his chest was filled with anger, and when his eyes touched the woman on the ground, his cold eyes shrank for a while.

Without even thinking about it, he went straight forward, bent down and grabbed her neck, and lifted her up.

"Ah! Help—"

Gu Xiyuan's shrill screams, accompanied by the sound of fractures, sounded horrific.

However, the sound insulation effect is so good that Qiao Nansheng couldn't hear the movement here at all!

A beautiful beginning is doomed to a tragic end. Is this her fate, Gu Xiyuan?
Heh, how is she inferior to Qin Yise?
(End of this chapter)

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