you are the love of my life

Chapter 426 Old love and new love

Chapter 426 Old love and new love
Qin Yise was furious.

Ling Tuo quickly explained: "Hey, I'm just telling the truth. If Ms. Qin can't listen to it, just pretend I didn't say anything. I've never seen the young master obey any woman, but you, even if you want heaven Moon, he can launch missiles to bring you back, but it’s a pity that you don’t know your blessings while you’re in the midst of blessings, so you’re suffering now!”

After he finished speaking, he rubbed the soles of his feet with oil and fled quickly.

Qin Yise was about to say something, but Ling Tuo had already hurried away with the documents, as if hiding from the plague, afraid of being entangled by her, asking endlessly.

She froze in place, could it be that she has been lonely for too long and has no one to talk to, so she is so childish?
But he was obviously the one who did the wrong thing, yet somehow he took his anger out on him and put her under house arrest, but he didn't show up. What does that mean?
The more I think about it, the more I feel blocked, and I still say that being pampered by him is a dream honor for many women, but I don't even have this little freedom!
The honor of hell, whoever wants it will take it.

Rong Jinbei hoped that Qin Yise would cry and fight with him, but she had no other ideas except to leave and want to be alone.

There were constant phone calls at home. Ms. Qin was very obedient, but she didn't eat much. It had been three days and she was haggard.

Miss Qin climbed down from the window on the second floor, was caught by the security guards, and lost her temper!

Ms. Qin set fire to the back garden, destroyed two cars, and there were no casualties.


Rong Jinbei made up his mind and let her mess around, as long as she doesn't get hurt, she can do whatever she wants!

This little woman wants to escape, but there is no way!

For a week in a row, he was at the company and did not return to the villa.

Qin Yise is like a trapped animal in a cage, tired of tossing around, and her arrogance is gradually worn down.

It turned out that this man's usual gentleness was just an illusion, but when he turned his face, he was still cold-blooded and ruthless.

If all her heart is devoted to him, will it mean that when she grows old and he has a new love, she will never see her emotions again?
Just lock her in a random place and ignore her?

At that time, what should I do when I have nothing?
Her body is getting thinner day by day, almost relying on nutrient solution to maintain a healthy balance.

That night, Rong Jinbei finally showed up!
His face was gloomy, and he was about to drip water like a storm was coming.

His thin lips were tightly pursed, indicating that he was full of anger at the moment.

"I heard you haven't eaten for a few days?" He asked indifferently.


"You want to leave me that much? Would you rather threaten death?"

Qin Yise didn't say a word, just sat on the head of the bed with a blank expression on her face, staring blankly at a certain place without moving.

The corners of Rong Jinbei's eyebrows twitched, he roughly picked her up, and fell down hard on the sofa next to her.

Qin Yise still didn't make a sound, didn't even have the slightest reaction.

"Fight with me? You know that I hate being threatened the most. Believe it or not, I'll immediately kick the He family out of City C and make your sweetheart homeless!" He gritted his teeth and warned sharply in her ear.

Isn't he the same?What else but threats?
Qin Yise's eyes moved, and finally she came back to her senses, and looked at him, "Are you threatening a woman with this talent?"

She also imitated his tone and asked word by word.

Rong Jinbei narrowed his eyes, his whole body exuded a cold breath, "How dare you speak hard."

"It's not that I'm blunt, but can you guarantee that you will like one person completely and completely in this life? If you can't, then don't force me to leave my heart to you. If you force me all day long, you don't need to save me." Me, let me fend for myself, I will bring my ashes with you after death, anyway, what you want is just a quiet decoration!"

(End of this chapter)

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