you are the love of my life

Chapter 432 Happy too early

Chapter 432 Happy too early

As for himself, he and Qin Yise got into a low-key business car from the underground garage and went straight to the Qin family's villa.

Along the way, he kept turning his head and looking at the woman beside him, as if he was guarding a baby, his eyes were fixed on her belly, as if he was afraid that if he didn't pay attention, the little guy would disappear, it was just a dream .

Except for the initial surprise, Qin Yise didn't react the whole time, she didn't cry or make a fuss, her eyes were dull, as if she was stupid, nothing could cause her emotional ups and downs.

Gu Xiyuan held the report card of her own examination, walked out from the side door of the hospital, and watched a commercial vehicle whizzing by in front of it, with two familiar faces sitting inside.

She clenched her fingers tightly, crumpled the test sheet into a wrinkled paper, and finally threw it into the bag angrily.

When the servants of the Qin family heard the news, they all rushed out to greet her with great excitement.

As soon as the car stopped, Rong Jinbei pushed open the door, bent down himself, and carried Qin Yise out of the car!
"Rong Shao, lunch is ready, all of which are natural and pollution-free green food, and two new nutritionists have been added, do you want to add a few more experienced confinement ladies to serve the young lady?"

"Just do as you say!" Rong Jinbei said without any hesitation.

The butler nodded quickly, and carefully bent over to follow, waiting for orders at any time.

Qin Yise didn't resist at all, let the man carry her up the steps, and then returned to the bedroom full of nightmares, she was even more unhappy.

After this child was born, would he really set her free?

But mother and child are separated, will she be willing to leave?
Just thinking about it makes me feel uncomfortable.

Rong Jinbei squatted beside the bed, gently took off her shoes, then took her hand, and said softly: "Qin Yise, let's get along with each other from now on, this child I have to stay no matter what, what do you think? You can tell me!"

Qin Yise's eyes drooped slightly, and her eyes fell on the hands with clasped fingers, and she replied softly, "Rong Jinbei, please let me go now."

The man grabbed her hand even harder, and shook his head firmly to reject it: "I can promise you anything, but this is not the case!"

"Don't you want this child to be born without a mother?" Qin Yise growled weakly.

Rong Jinbei rubbed her black hair, "As long as you want, you will always be his mother."


Qin Yise pursed her lips, speechless.

Is it possible for the child to be like her, with two mothers since childhood?

Xu Kexin occupied Mrs. Qin's position, and never gave her a good face since she was a child.

But my own mother was worse than a concubine, she didn't even have any dignity, and even died without anyone caring about her!

"If I don't get married for the rest of my life, this child will be your illegitimate child. Do you want to keep us both by your side for the rest of your life?" She curled her lips and asked mockingly.

"It's not that I can't afford it!" Rong Jinbei replied easily.

Qin Yise shook her head and looked at him teasingly.

"What are you struggling with? This child is not only related to your illness, but also the heir of the Rong family. How many people are staring at him, don't you know the serious relationship?" Rong Jinbei rubbed the center of his brows, tired talking.

Qin Yise was still silent, and after a few seconds, she slowly said, "I'm tired, I don't want to talk about it now, as for your request, let me think about it."

(End of this chapter)

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