Chapter 434 See through at a glance

"Help me find out what that woman wants to do? I owe you this favor!"

"Easy to say, easy to say."

Meier responded heartily, and then hung up the video.

Rong Jinbei closed the computer, rubbed his sore neck and walked out of the study, only to find that a woman who should have rested in bed was alive and kicking on the stairs.

Nervously, he strode over, hugged Qin Yise up, put her in a safe place, restrained her with his hands, and then held his breath and said, "Where are you going?"

"I can't sleep, let's go downstairs."

"Don't you know that you are pregnant? How can you do such a dangerous movement, just go up and down casually, what if you fall down?"

Rong Jinbei roared angrily, turned his head and told the butler beside him: "Tomorrow, clean out all the rooms upstairs, move to the first floor, lock the stairs, and prohibit anyone from going up, so that you don't have to worry about the baby falling and miscarrying." gone."

The butler quickly nodded and went to do it!

Qin Yise's forehead twitched, she couldn't stand him making such a fuss.

She stroked the hair next to her ear, and said seriously: "Rong Jinbei, let's talk, no one should escape, about this child, about the future."

"Aren't you tired? It's important to rest. Let's talk another day."

"If you don't clarify the issue between us, do you think I can give birth to this child with peace of mind? The kindness you treat me is not because of love, but for commercial interests from the beginning."

The expression on Rong Jinbei's face froze instantly, and he listened to what she continued to say.

"Since you want this child, and I want it too, and everyone is unwilling to give in, then we can accompany her for half a year, or we can take turns once a month."

"Are you negotiating here with my child as a commodity?" Rong Jinbei asked through gritted teeth.

Qin Yise raised her eyes and looked at him without fear: "I will not run away with the child, and I will not interfere in your private life. In front of outsiders, you can do whatever you want me to do, even if you don't make it public that I am the child's biological child." As a mother, but in private, I also have a part in raising children."

"Only real couples are eligible to raise together!" Rong Jinbei squeezed her chin, forcing her to raise her neck and look at him. He narrowed his eyes and said coldly.

"The wife you want to marry should be like Miss Gu, a daughter of a famous family."

"Qin Yise, tell me, what do you mean you should marry? Is it because you deliberately left me and let her have an affair with me, so you used the excuse of being drunk and having sex to kick me like a ball to other women? ?”

"A man should pay for his actions. If you are not responsible to Gu Xiyuan, will her family let you and me go?"

Qin Yise suppressed her guilty conscience, looked at him calmly and said, "I said I wouldn't run away, you forced this child on me, I can tolerate your cheating, but I don't want to fall in love with you again, do you understand ?”

Losing body and heart, that is the saddest thing!
She didn't want to end up in such a miserable end.

"What do you mean you don't want to fall in love with me again? Have you ever loved me?" Rong Jinbei looked at her deeply, as if he wanted to see through her.

Qin Yise smiled palely and didn't want to say more.

What's the point of worrying about this now?

Rong Jinbei's sharp eyes swept her face back and forth, he had read countless people, and he could see through at a glance whether the person in front of him was lying or telling the truth.

(End of this chapter)

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