you are the love of my life

Chapter 438 Who is the Mistress in Months Later

Chapter 438 Ten Months Later, Who Is The Hostess

"You still want to explain? Don't think that I don't know. You conceived this child through indecent means. Since you insist on making me make a choice, I have no choice but to use special means to let you abort this child." Lose!"

Rong Jinbei let go of her neck, threw her on the ground like throwing garbage, and gritted his teeth as a warning.

Gu Xiyuan clutched her red neck and took a few breaths of fresh air, which eased the discomfort in her throat.

"This is your child, the flesh and blood of the Rong family. Rong Jinbei, how can you be so cruel that you don't even want your own son. You are not the only one who has the final say on this matter. Don't think that you can cover the sky with one hand, just take it as omnipotent." Yes! If you don't recognize this child, I will expose it to the media and let everyone see how cold-blooded, ruthless and irresponsible the men of the Rong family are. this person!"

"Shut up! Each of you can stop talking!" Mr. Rong suddenly shouted angrily, interrupting their quarrel.

Holding up his crutches, he walked up to Gu Xiyuan step by step, and asked blankly, "What evidence do you have to prove that the child you are carrying is the blood of our Rong family."

"This is the B-ultrasound sheet I did yesterday. The doctor said it was a boy. If Uncle Rong doesn't believe it, he can ask his family doctor for a follow-up visit. When he is a little older, he will do an amniocentesis for DNA testing. It will be clear. ?”

Gu Xiyuan's determined expression made Mr. Rong half worried and half happy. He was happy that the Rong family was finally on the right back, but worried that his son would be enraged and would really do something out of the ordinary!
"Jin Bei, if she is indeed pregnant with a descendant of the Rong family, I will not allow you to touch the child. If you don't believe me, just try."

As Rong Zhanting said, he looked at Qin Yise, the element of threat was obvious.

He only cared about his grandson, whether there was anyone in the Rong family's follow-up, but ignored that she might be pregnant too.

Qin Yise only feels that nowhere in this world is safe and full of intrigue, so let her live a simple and pure life, is it that difficult?

She hugged herself tightly with both hands, only to feel that her whole body was so cold. Gu Xiyuan's smile became more and more complacent and arrogant, which kept echoing in her mind.

The malicious eyes around her seemed to be hiding poisonous gas, trying to suffocate her to death as if seeing blood sealing her throat.

Qin Yise leaned against the back of the chair, her gaze was distracted, her eyes were out of focus, and she just stared at the front in a daze.

how so……

It's all right for him to cheat, how could he allow Gu Xiyuan to get pregnant?
At the same time, he was desperately trying to create a human being with himself.

Gu Xiyuan could clearly see Qin Yise's reaction, and Miss Gu was very satisfied with her expression.

She stood up extremely slowly, and in a moderate voice, she deliberately bit hard, as if she was afraid that the people next to her would not hear her, "No one should touch this child, I will not destroy it, it belongs to his name. points, I will get it back!"

"And here... Ten months later, who is the hostess, maybe."

"Xiyuan, you and uncle go first. I will personally discuss this matter with your father. If you are really pregnant with a boy, the Rong family will never treat you badly. As for the wedding, we still have to think about it in the long run."

Rong Zhanting took Gu Xiyuan away before his son got angry.

He can't make decisions about Rong Jinbei's marriage, but if he says something nice, it's still within his reach!

Right now, he must keep his grandson safe, nothing is more important than this.
(End of this chapter)

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