Chapter 441
The next day, as soon as Rong Jinbei arrived at the company, rumors spread about Gu Xiyuan's pregnancy.

A scrolling message is playing on the open-air display screen, "Early bus for entertainment, latest news, let's listen to it on time. According to insiders, the famous lady of the Gu family went to a high-end private hospital yesterday for a gynecological examination. She is suspected of being pregnant. It is rumored that she will soon Marriage with a child, is it true or not?"

"After Gu Xiyuan went abroad, she has been studying in the United States. This time she came back to celebrate her father's birthday. She suddenly gave up her bright future. The truth is that she is pregnant!"

"It is rumored that the Gu family and the Rong family are well-matched. I don't know which young master Ms. Gu is in love with. Rong Jinbei, the president of the Rong Group, has almost become a scandal insulator since she announced that she has a girlfriend. Now Ms. Gu is pregnant. Qiao Man There is a scandal, I wonder when will this diamond tycoon leave the order?"

All of a sudden, various versions spread wildly, and the news of Gu Xiyuan being pregnant out of wedlock spread all over the world, and it became the top trending topic on the Internet at an astonishing speed.

Netizens speculated about the child's father, and Rong Jinbei had the highest turnout rate!
Is everyone who eats melons Sherlock Holmes?

There seemed to be some force behind the public opinion manipulating, and all the spearheads were pointed at Rong, and the company's website was almost paralyzed, being overwhelmed by these trolls.

"Master, something has happened, and the crowd outside is surrounded by reporters!"

Ling Tuo's anxious voice came in, his forehead was beaded with sweat, he pushed open the door of the CEO's office, and yelled loudly regardless of etiquette.

Rong Jinbei raised his eyes coldly, and glanced at him, "Why are you so flustered, and the stock price fluctuated again?"

"It's much more serious and tricky than this!" Ling Tuo spun around anxiously, and said frantically, "Master, on the computer and have a look yourself!"

He wanted to say, how can you do this to Miss Qin!
Although men will make such low-level mistakes, but who is he, the young master Rong who stomps his feet in the financial circle would shake the mountains, how could he be a creature dominated by the lower body?

Rong Jinbei glanced at him impatiently, turned on the computer, slid the mouse, and logged in to a social software at random, and the pop-up headlines almost occupied the entire screen.

The picture was taken secretly. Gu Xiyuan was wearing a mask and a peaked cap, and when she entered the private hospital carefully, she had a nervous expression on her face.

There are also a few pictures, which seem to be the scene where she and Rong Jinbei entered the same hotel, and the blurry shooting in the room.

This kind of photo is not easy to take secretly. Even a superb paparazzi has to install a pinhole camera to get first-hand information.

"Mysterious man, spend the spring evening with the daughter of the Gu family, it seems that something good is coming!"

"Gu Xiyuan is pregnant. If the mysterious man marries her, it's like buying one and getting one free. It's a sure-fire deal."

With his clean and slender fingers, Rong Jinbei lightly clicked the mouse, and said with a sneer, "Buy one get one free? Sure profit or not?"

These sailors really can't spit out ivory!

Seeing his nonchalant appearance, without the slightest hint of anxiety on his face, Ling Tuo was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot, and almost knelt down to him!

"Master, if you don't want to suppress it, those reporters outside the company will have to tear down the roof!"

Rong Jinbei was still careless, tapping the mouse in an orderly rhythm: "Send the message, tell Gu Xiyuan to come to Rong's to see me, and have an important matter to discuss with her."

(End of this chapter)

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