Chapter 443
Gu Boyan narrowed his eagle eyes slightly, as if he was weighing the weight of her words.

He is a man who has been in business for a long time, and he is good at scheming, "What if Rong Jinbei doesn't want to marry you? Even if you are pregnant with his child, and you conceived before marriage, the reputation of the Gu family will be damaged if it is spread out. Have you ever thought about it?" Is it? You can't bear the consequences alone!"

Gu Boyan was not optimistic about his daughter's risk-taking approach. Gu's mother just went downstairs after finishing her job perfectly, and when she heard her husband's scolding roar, she instantly became unhappy.

She twisted her well-maintained figure and walked over, and said softly and unceremoniously: "Husband, why are you so fierce, I think Xiyuan did nothing wrong this time, the Rong family has been passed down for generations, and Rong Jinbei is 30 He's a [-]-year-old man, and he doesn't have a son and a half daughter. If Xiyuan lives up to her expectations and conceives a son, will Elder Rong be willing to let her grandson live outside? The position of Mrs. Rong belongs to Xiyuan!"

"What do you know? A woman's opinion."

Gu Boyan shook off her hand and snorted coldly.

Gu's mother was not as knowledgeable as he was, so she walked around the sofa and took the newspaper from Gu Xiyuan's hand to read. No matter how she looked at it, she found the news pleasing to the eye.

She hooked her lips happily, "I don't understand your men's struggles for interests, but at least I know that having this child is like having a trump card in my hand. Xiyuan is so outstanding, why do you have to worry about it? "

"Enough! Don't mention this matter again. Whether Rong Jinbei marries or not depends on your fate."

Mrs. Gu's words made Gu Boyan burn with anger, staring with anger.

Mother Gu didn't take it seriously, hummed softly, and patted her daughter's hand comfortingly, "Honey, since you've cooked rice with Rong Shao, you must force him to take on the responsibilities of a man, otherwise With no name and no title, this child will only be an illegitimate child in the future, which is a shame that will never be shaken off for the rest of his life, you know?"

"Mom, I understand." Gu Xiyuan took a deep breath, silently cheering herself up in her heart.

As long as she can marry into the Rong family, she doesn't care no matter how much she suffers!
That position originally belonged to her!
What's more, she will never let her children lose their heads. Compared with her, Qin Yise has no advantage at all.

Wanting to defeat her is a piece of cake.

Gu Xiyuan quietly observed the light in her father's expression, now having the support of her parents is very important to her.

If her father doesn't help her force her to marry, then the chance of success will be reduced by half!
Gu Boyan stood up, grabbed the newspaper in his wife's hand, and threw it into the trash can: "Don't read such unnutritious reports, except YY brainwashing, you will daydream, you have the ability to cause trouble, You must have the ability to clean up the mess! If Gu's stock fluctuates because of this, I will not spare you lightly."

Gu's mother saw that her husband had brought out the company to put pressure on her, so she quickly followed his words and said, "Xiyuan, don't go to the public relations to solve it, and find a way to minimize the negative impact of public opinion."

Sitting on the sofa, Gu Xiyuan glanced at her mother lightly, "Mom, Rong Jinbei's people are blocking me outside, trying to catch me as cannon fodder in front of the media. How can I come forward to clarify at this time, it will only make me worse." The drawing gets darker and hits his lower ring."

"Then go back to the room and rest, be careful with the child, don't get pregnant." Gu's mother was afraid that the father and daughter would have a head-on temper and would have an unpleasant quarrel, so she forcibly sent her daughter away.

It didn't take shape, where did the tire gas come from?

(End of this chapter)

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