Chapter 456

In the end, Rong Jinbei compromised. With his hands on her sides, he hooked his lower lip confidently, "Tomorrow, I will ask the lawyer to draw up the agreement, and I will give it to you after signing it?"

"Don't bother, I'm ready."

Qin Yise took out the pre-prepared agreement from under the pillow, on a few pieces of A4 paper, the rules and regulations were written in a very standardized way.

"It seems that you have already made a plan, just wait for me to jump into the pit!"

Rong Jinbei didn't even look at it, took the pen, waved his hand, and signed the name of the flamboyant and phoenix dance.

Qin Yise looked at the signed agreement with satisfaction, "There are two copies, please keep it safe."

With a sly smile, she carefully put her share in the box and locked it.

Looking at her childish behavior, Rong Jinbei sniffed and smiled, "Now you should be relieved, right?"

Qin Yise rolled her eyes, nodded and said, "If you keep your promise, I can consider not breaking up and give birth to the child first."

As for the future, we will talk about it later.

Rong Jinbei had a rare smile on his face, and gently scratched her nose and said, "Don't worry, I will never break my promise again."

Qin Yise was absent-minded, gently stroking her stomach with her small hands, wondering if it was the right decision to make.

Suddenly, the bell in Rong Jinbei's pocket rang, breaking the awkward atmosphere.

He kissed her cheek, stood up, and walked towards the balcony, answering as he walked, "What's the matter?"

"Rong Shao, there is something unexpected, I must talk to you."

Rong Jinbei turned his head to look at Qin Yise who was sitting on the chaise longue, saw her quietly closing her eyes and resting her mind, then lowered her voice and said, "It's the same when talking on the phone."

"I'm afraid it's inconvenient, let's see each other!"

Rong Jinbei hesitated for a while, nodded in response, and finally hung up the phone.

"There's something wrong with the company, I'll go out for a while."

After speaking, he changed his clothes and left in a hurry.

Qin Yise's heart skipped a beat, and she vaguely felt that there was something wrong, and he deliberately kept it a secret from himself, not wanting her to know.

If I had known this before, I should have added a few more clauses in the agreement, not to deceive the other party, and to exchange secrets without reservation.

Qin Yise tossed and turned, unable to fall asleep, and couldn't help thinking about it.
She couldn't hold back her curiosity, and walked out of the bedroom on her slippers.

He tiptoedly followed the man in front and saw that his car was not heading in the direction of the company, but heading for the hospital.

Could it be that the content of the phone is really related to her?

Rong Jinbei went all the way to Dr. Meyer's office, without noticing that someone was following him behind.

Standing at the door, Qin Yise heard the faint voice of conversation coming from inside:

"The DNA results are out, and the child is 99% likely to be yours. I think you should deal with this matter quickly!"


Is it Gu Xiyuan's child?
Qin Yise felt the world spinning for a while, her legs were so weak that she almost couldn't stand up.

After a while, Rong Jinbei said, "How did she get pregnant? I didn't touch her at that time, and I didn't care about the aftermath, so I left such a big trouble."

"Artificial insemination, she refrigerated your sperm and tried several times to conceive." Dr. Meyer shrugged and replied speechlessly.

Qin Yise was taken aback, artificial insemination?

It seems that Gu Xiyuan had premeditated that night!

She involuntarily clenched the doorknob, wanting to hear what Rong Jinbei thought.

The man frowned, and his tone was like the ice and snow in the twelfth lunar month of winter, "Since she dared to take such a big risk, she must have great confidence, I might as well follow the plan, marry her, and see what kind of medicine is sold in the Gu family's gourd? "

(End of this chapter)

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