Chapter 461

Isn't he in the hospital, entangled with Gu Xiyuan?

There are also company matters, so busy, I can't get away at all, why do I appear here again?

Did he catch her eavesdropping in the parking lot?

Qin Yise felt uneasy, countless thoughts flashed through her mind, wondering if Rong Jinbei had hit a wall with Gu Xiyuan, so she vented her anger on herself?

The look in his eyes made her feel scared!
Rong Jinbei's handsome facial features are frighteningly gloomy at the moment, this woman is thinking about running away again, isn't she?
Dare to take his words as deaf ears, he has to stop her idea.

Rong Jinbei knew that Qin Yise didn't like to trouble others, and she didn't like to owe others favors, so she didn't ask anyone for help, and she didn't contact the outside world.

Thinking of this, the anger in his heart subsided a little.

"Miss Qin, you're back, the young master is looking for you like crazy in the hospital!" The butler came out to greet him and said talkatively.

Qin Yise rolled her eyes, "Didn't you tell him that I was discharged early?"

"Master didn't bring his mobile phone."


Qin Yise pursed her lower lip lightly, a little speechless.

No matter how you look at Rong Jinbei's current appearance, he looks like a rooster whose feathers have exploded.

There is no such thing as a high-ranking appearance on weekdays.

Gu Xiyuan is really capable, she actually made Young Master Rong so angry, her courage is commendable.

Rong Jinbei's footsteps walking in front stopped suddenly, Qin Yise bumped into his back unexpectedly, and his nose was almost crooked by the hardness of the copper wall.

"Did you do it on purpose? Whoever upsets you, who do you go to, don't deliberately revenge me like this!"

Qin Yise grinned her teeth in pain, her brows almost wrinkled.

The man turned around, glanced at her indifferently, and the unknown fire burst out again. Instead of asking for warmth, he said coldly, "I accidentally bumped into her, I deserve it!"

His sneering hooked lips exuded an aura of indifference that made people dare not approach him.

Qin Yise felt that he changed his face faster than turning the pages of a book, and seemed to have gotten used to his moodiness, but something still stabbed his heart hard, making it difficult to breathe in pain.

Rong Jinbei didn't see the disappointment flashing across her face, he grabbed her hand domineeringly, and walked directly into the hall, "What are you doing standing there stupidly? Are you not tired?"

Instead of going upstairs, he dragged her to the bedroom on the first floor.

Staggeringly following behind him, Qin Yise managed to stand firm until the door closed.

The lights in the room were not turned on, only the hazy night outside the window was reflected in, and the facial features of each other could not be seen clearly, but the continuous breathing was extremely harsh in this quiet space.

Qin Yise looked directly into Rong Jinbei's bright eyes, staring at her prey like a wolf, with a faint light shining from the bottom of her eyes.

"What are you going to do?"

"Fuck you."

"No, Rong Jinbei, the doctor said no for the first three months!"

Qin Yise kept backing away, and couldn't help reminding her that she was afraid that he would suddenly have a surge of blood and really do something that would hurt the baby.

When Rong Jinbei heard this, his body tensed up for a moment, then he smiled expressionlessly, and said evilly, "Do you still think about other men in your heart?"

"What about you? Have you ever considered other women as a backup in your heart?" Qin Yise stared at him and asked seriously.

"What did you say?" He didn't seem to hear clearly, and repeated her question.

Qin Yise shook her head lightly: "It's nothing, it's fine if you don't want to answer."

(End of this chapter)

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