Chapter 486
As soon as the host's voice fell, there was thunderous applause from the audience.

Immediately afterwards, the animal trainer clapped his hands, and the first iron cage was opened.

The girl and the African leopard inside slowly crawled out.

The girl seemed to be a killer. She rolled over on the ground nimbly and swiftly dodged the leopard's sudden attack.

Men and beasts were chasing each other on the stage, and the men in the audience were excited, scrambling to be the first to bid.

Gu Xiyuan opened her eyes weakly, she had never seen such a scene before.

She was overwhelmed by boundless despair and fear.

Let her be trafficked like a lowly female slave, then she would rather kill herself by biting her tongue, and she would never endure the humiliation!
But damn it, these people gave her anesthesia, and she wanted to die, but she didn't have the strength.

Soon, it was her turn.

Her cage was covered with a piece of red silk cloth!

People outside couldn't see clearly what was going on inside, but the host's mystery was enough to keep the audience's tastes aroused.

Thousands of gold and ladies, who doesn't want to be addicted?

"This is the last beauty today, and she is also the most punctual and the most cost-effective one. If you miss it, you will have to wait another year. Don't blame me for not reminding everyone, you must seize the opportunity to ensure that you are worth the money!"

The host said excitedly.

The bright red silk cloth was lifted instantly, and the dazzling light directly shone on the cage.

The sleeping tiger gradually opened its eyes.

Gu Xiyuan was dressed very coolly, and her skin, which was so tender that it could almost squeeze out water, instantly became the focus of the audience.

It was especially embarrassing because the ferocious tiger beside her seemed to bite off people's necks at any time.

The animal trainer has been making various professional gestures to let the tiger cooperate with the performance.

The men in the audience all let out a sigh of satisfaction.

People kept raising placards, and in just a few minutes, the price was raised to tens of millions.

Gu Xiyuan closed her eyes in despair, she knew that no one would come to save her, and there was no miracle to look forward to.

"Twenty-six million times!"

"Is there any higher?" The host shouted excitedly.

Gu Xiyuan's eardrums were hurt by these numbers, and her tears couldn't stop streaming down.

The tiger next to her kept staring at her. Her shoulders trembled slightly, she was very scared, but she didn't dare to move.

It's all that bitch Qin Yise who wants to kill her and the child in her womb!

Even if she is a ghost, she will not let this bitch go!

"Twenty-five million second times."

The host held a hammer and was about to make a final decision when a seductive voice sounded, "I'll offer 3000 million!"

The man with a beer belly, a Mediterranean hairstyle, a half-bald head, and a greasy face stood up from his seat, holding a sign and shouting.

Gu Xiyuan shrank subconsciously towards the back of the cage, with an expression of reluctance and reluctance.

The man looked at her actions with a fierce look in his eyes, and said with some displeasure: "Miss, you can hide from the first day of junior high school, but you can't hide from the fifteenth day of the junior high school. I want to inspect the goods first, and visually check whether it is original. In case it is plastic surgery I don’t want a girl! These days, any pheasant can be packaged as a rich lady, if you dare to lie to me and let me spend 3000 million to sleep on parallel imports, I will not let it go!”

When everyone heard the words, they all booed aside with the mentality of watching the excitement.

These wealthy businessmen came from all over the country. Although they had heard about the Gu family's name, they didn't really pay attention to it.

Their backgrounds are getting tougher and tougher than the other, and the last thing they are afraid of is causing trouble!

(End of this chapter)

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