you are the love of my life

Chapter 488 Try One More Move

Chapter 488

"The woman I like, you are such a bear, how dare you covet me? If you have the guts, just compete with me fairly, and try a little tricky. Believe it or not, I will castrate you?"

Qiao Nansheng threatened calmly, but his tone was three points cold and seven points murderous.

The fat man on the ground was pale, his chest was so stepped on that he was about to vomit blood!
After all, he was a respected figure in the capital, if this news got out, where would his face be put in the future?

The animal trainer took the tiger out of the cage. Although the tiger was fierce, it was injected and would not hurt anyone at all!
It's just a gimmick to make them spend more money!

The host laughed stiffly twice, trying to smooth things over, "Come here, why don't you take Mr. Chen down for the doctor to examine the wound?"

Several security guards hurried up and carried the fat man away.

Qiao Nansheng squatted down slowly, and stretched out his hand to Gu Xiyuan, his gaze was gentle and affectionate.

His uneasy heart finally settled down when he saw Gu Xiyuan standing in front of him safe and sound.

God knows how worried he was during this journey, and any accidents happened to her.

What's more, seeing with his own eyes that she was being auctioned on the stage like a commodity, he was so angry that he wanted to kill someone!
No words can describe his mood at the moment, all in all, whoever stands in his way will die!
Gu Xiyuan met Qiao Nansheng's red eyes, and the murderous aura and chill in them made her tremble all over.

Although he is very gentle at the moment, he is infinitely tender to himself.

But she couldn't be wrong.

This is a precursor to his anger!

Gu Xiyuan was both surprised and happy, God opened her eyes, she was finally saved.

But the strange thing is, how did Qiao Nansheng know that she was here?
Judging by his behavior, it doesn't look like he came here to buy a woman to play with, and he happened to meet her!
Although Gu Xiyuan didn't have any hope for Qiao Nansheng, it was better to be seen by him than to be seen by Rong Jinbei when she was in such a mess!
She bit her lip, trying to hold back her tears, and carefully handed her hand to the man in front of her.

This is a manifestation of dependence. He appeared when she was most desperate and insecure.

He gave her hope, and light.

I owe him another favor!
Qiao Nansheng took off her suit and wrapped it around her exquisite body, preventing her beauty from being exposed to the outside.

The next second, he hugged her by the waist and strode away.

The bodyguards are responsible for the aftermath and pay the ransom.

The host smiled obsequiously, his eyes lit up, as if he saw no cash thrown at him.

For this order, he has at least 20% commission, which is a huge profit!
And as long as the auction record is set, the rich people who come to participate next time will follow suit, wanting to experience the excitement of a spring night worth a thousand dollars.

"Nobody raised the price yet?" he asked again.

The audience was silent for a few seconds——

He tapped the hammer in his hand: "I announce that this auction is over. Beauty and the Beast has set a new record of 5000 million, and it was taken by a distinguished VIP customer, Mr. Qiao. I wish Mr. Qiao a good enjoyment and a happy life." Tonight, I will never forget this night!"

When Gu Xiyuan heard the sighing sound from behind, she tightly pinched the suit on her body with her fingers, and the smell of Qiao Nansheng was all over her nose, which was familiar and reassuring.

She curled up into a ball in his arms, with mixed emotions.

I hope I can escape smoothly, get out of this ghost place, and don't make any more troubles.

To her, this kind of hell on earth is a million times more terrifying than the devil training camp!
It is not only the body that is tortured, but also the spirit and psychological defense.

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(End of this chapter)

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